
Do I Need to Treat My PKD with GFR 30 and Creatinine 2

"I have PKD for about 15 years. Recently, my doctor told me that my kidneys are getting worse, I'm stage 3, and GFR is around 30, creatinine of 2... My blood pressure is 135/80 and I am on bp medicine. I do not have any symptoms. I would like to know whether I need to start any treatment for my disease."

You said you were diagnosed with PKD 15 years ago and now you have been in stage 3. In fact, this disorder is a congenital condition, and you carry cystic genes since your birth. Cysts can enlarge over time and big cysts will oppress kidneys so that kidneys can fail to work. So you need to take early treatment to halt the enlargement of cysts.

Your creatinine 2 is a little higher than normal range (0.6~1.2) due to damaged kidney function. The creatinine level will become elevated when 50% or more kidney function has been lost. You said that your GFR is 30. This means that there is only 30% kidney function left.

Why do you present no symptoms then? This is because of the great compensatory ability of the kidneys.

That is to say, although part of functional cells get damaged by big cysts, their work can be performed by other remaining functional cells. But these functional cells would be exhausted due to overload work after period of time. If this happens, more severe decline of kidney function can be the result.

How to avoid further aggravation of your PKD and reverse it?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to halt the growth of cysts and improve the kidney function. This therapy can expand the blood vessels, increase the permeability of cystic wall, inhibit the hyperplasia of cystic cells as well as provide nutrition to enhance the kidney repair. By this treatment, cysts can slow down or even stop the enlargement and become shrunken gradually.
If no treatment is given in early stage, cysts will keep enlarging, and the disease will deteriorate continuously. In that case, you have to endure more discomforts.
Is there still anything unclear? You can e-mail to pkddoctor@hotmail.com.

Learn More: TCM Treats PKD Safely and Efficiently

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