
How to Manage My Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in the Daily Life

A healthy daily care is generally considered as the best natural treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It can control the various symptoms of PKD, keeping your kidneys healthy for longer. So dialysis can be delayed or even avoided. Therefore, arrange a healthy daily care is an effective way to slow the progression of your disease.

■ Have a good control of blood pressure

Most of people with PKD have high blood pressure before renal function occurs damage. The occurrence of high blood pressure may accelerate the decline of kidney function. Besides, it may lead to cerebrovascular damage. Therefore, have a good control of the blood pressure is very important. Generally, you had better control it within 130/80mmHg.

■ Protect from being affected by a cold

Patients should take care themselves carefully and change clothes timely with climate variation. A cold, especially a repeated cold, will aggravate the renal damage and accelerate the progression of the disease.

■ Low-protein diet

Protein is broken down by the liver, and a waste product called urea is produced. Our kidneys are responsible to get rid of wastes, so excess protein intake will put a strain on the kidneys.

The daily intake of 8g protein per kilo of body weight is recommended. You are suggested to eat less meat, cheese, and avoid beans, bean products. Use vegetables and grains as the main dishes and healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil can be added when excess calories are needed.
■ Avoid factors that may lead to cysts rupture in daily life

 Drink less or avoid drinking alcohol, especially wine and liquor.Stop smoking. This will cause further enlargement of the cysts and increase their risk of rupture. Avoid demanding sports like football, basketball, baseball, etc. However, golfing, walking, running, swimming is permitted.

If you want to get more information about polycystic kidney disease, you can send mail to kidney-support@hotmail.com or free chat and online experts, she will give you more help.

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