
Colorless Urine in Kidney Failure

Urine moves wastes and excess water out of the body. In most cases, its transit is uneventful and the normal output of urine will appear pale yellow to amber in color and bear little to no odour. But sometimes urine may look different. In case of Kidney Failure, colorless urine may appear as a result of severely damaged renal function.

Causes of colorless urine in Kidney Failure

Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located at the lower back of the abdomen. In normal condition, they function well to filter out the wastes and toxins that are created by the body′s constant metabolism. All the waste materials that are filtered from the blood are expelled out from the body in the form of urine.

Kidney Failure is a medical condition in while the damaged kidneys are no longer able to perform the vital function of eliminating metabolic waste and excessive fluid from the body. As kidney damage accumulates, urine production become abnormal. When patients develop moderate Kidney Failure, urine production may be brisk because the kidneys can not concentrate the urine as they normally would. In this case, the urine is typically almost colorless and clear.

Besides, nocturia-waking during the night needing to urinate-may also occur. As the degree of kidney failure progresses, urine production will become severely diminished (oliguria) or absent (anuria). Loss of kidney function will also lead to fluid and chemical imbalances, causing swelling or edema especially of the feet, ankles and around the eyes.

More about content in the urine and kidney www.kidney-support.org here will let you know more about your life

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