It is widely known that people with kidney problem always have elevated creatinine level and once the level of creatinine increases to a certain degree, generally no less than 5.6, Dialysis or kidney transplant will be suggested.
If patients are only teated by some certain western medicines and reasonable diet to relieve symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition, maybe the creatinine level can be controlled to a certain degree. However, it will be temporary. With time going, patients will see the higher and higher creatinine level, as less and less kidney function is left.
Some Chinese herbal medicines like Ligusticum wallichii, semen cassiae, flower of kudzuvine, Chinese rhubarb, the root of red-rooted salvia, Turnjujube, barbados aloe can be used to lower creatinine by promoting intestinal detoxification.
Or, you can use the following ways to reduce creatinine
Drink Plenty of Water:This will increase the frequency of urination, and as a result, more creatinine will get eliminated from the body.
Healthy Diet:Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, barley, oats, etc., into your daily diet. Replace them with fresh fruit juice or aloe vera juice, which will keep you hydrated and at the same time provide you with good nutrition. Intake herbs like dandelion, ginseng, salvia, and cinnamon, which are known to be useful in controlling creatinine levels.
Reduce Sodium Intake:you can stay away from all such foods that supply extra sodium to the body. Salty foods, processed foods, packaged foods, etc., should be avoided in this condition.
Avoid Protein-Rich Food and Dairy Products:If you are looking to lower creatinine levels, then foods like chocolate, almonds, peanuts, beer, egg whites, seaweed, spirulina, sesame seeds, and gelatin should also be avoided. Dairy products will only increase the creatinine level, so avoid cheese, milk, and other dairy-based products.
Avoid Strenuous Activities:Strenuous exercises only promote the creatine to convert into creatinine more quickly than normal. Therefore, one must avoid over-training or doing similar strenuous physical exercises, and opt for less intense exercises.
Reduced creatinine more questions about, you can click on the above text link to our website to learn more, or to send your case to, we will contact you as soon as possible, giving you a professional reply guidance.
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