
The five stages of CKD and GFR for each stage

According to GFR (glomerular filtration rate) level, chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages. Though the condition is in stage 5 CKD, it does not mean the dialysis or kidney transplant will be the only choice. To increase GFR level is the only way to reverse the condition. Follow us to lean about treatment for low GFR level.

The GFR is typically recorded in units of volume per time, e.g., mililiters per minute ml/min. compare to filtration fraction.

The five stages of CKD and GFR for each stage
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Five stages of chronic kidney disease

The best indicator of how well the kidneys are working is to have a person's GFR. The five stages of CKD and GFR for each stage, as follows:

Stage 1: (GFR≥90ml/min) normal kidney function, but suspected with slight kidney damage or disease, such as proteinuria, hematuria or kidney inflammation.

Stage 2: (GFR=60-89ml/min) mild in kidney function, people are already known to have some kidney damage or disease.

Stage 3: (GFR=30-59ml/min) moderate in kidney function, hormones and minerals can be thrown out of balance, leading to anemia and weak bones. Medicines and changes in food choices can be helpful to prevent or treat these complications.

Stage 4: (GFR=15-29ml/min) severe in kidney function, the patients should continue following the treatment for complications and learn as much as possible about the treatments for kidney failure.

Stage 5: (GFR<15ml/min) end stage CKD, also called end-stage kidney failure or established renal failure. When the kidneys do not work well enough to maintain life, dialysis or a kidney transplant will be needed.

Now you maybe know something natural ways to treat kidney disease, which can naturally increase the GFR level. For some other natural therapy, you can leave a message below or email us to kidney-support@hotmail.com.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a condition in which your kidneys “leak” protein from your blood into your urine. Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome can occur at any age, but it is most common between the ages of 1.5 and 5 years. Once it occurs, hormone will be prescribed. The children usually respond quickly to hormone and most of them achieve remission by 2 weeks. However, the disease relapses frequently in the majority.

Additionally, long-term hormone can cause many complications such as weight gain, osteoporosis, depression, vision problem, etc. These problems can influence the children significantly on mind and body. Therefore, many parents are wondering if there is a natural remedy for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been proved to work well in treating the disease.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a featured therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital and is not available in any other hospital worldwide.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development and application based on the rationale of traditional Chinese herbal medicine in treating disease. It is an external therapy and the micronized herbal medicines can penetrate into kidney lesions through the skin in kidney area directly. By this way, the effective medicine ingredients can be absorbed by kidneys quickly and effectively. Therefore, the medicine efficiency will be enhanced remarkably.

As the illness condition varies from case to case, the formulae of herbal medicines are also different. Every formula contains 4~16 kinds of herbal medicine based on the child's specific overall condition, medical history, etc.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy work to treat Children Nephrotic Syndrome?

It aims at regulating autoimmune process and preventing immune injury to kidney tissues and cells.

It can clear up the immune complexes and inflammatory factors as well as other pathological substances based on its curative effects including dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, degradation.

It works by controlling the protein leakage, swelling, high blood pressure, etc, by restoring the impaired kidney tissues and recovering its filtering and barrier function.

It can enhance immunity whereby the frequent infections such as colds, throat infection, etc reduce drastically. Also, it can eliminate the side and invasive effects caused by long-term hormone.

Certainly, specific treatment plan is made by our kidney experts according to your personalized condition. So, you are suggested to send more copies of medical report to our email kidney-support@hotmail.com or chat with online doctor. We are glad to help you!


A Healthy Diet for Diabetes with High Creatinine Level

A Healthy Diet for Diabetes with High Creatinine Level
Diabetes can cause damage to the kidneys' filtration ability, resulting in high creatinine levels. When a diabetic's creatinine level become increased, he or she can eat a modified diet to help relieve the symptoms and lower elevated creatinine level.

A Healthy Diet for Diabetes with High Creatinine Level, divided into six areas:

1. Intake protein appropriately

Protein provides nutritions such as our necessity amino acid. Fish,meat,eggs and milk have high quality protein.Adult needs 1g everyday,2g for children. If kidney disease is seriously,the protein you have everyday follows doctor’s direction.

2. Low sugar or avoid sugar

It is very significant that they should have a low sugar diet in daily life. Much sugar can worsen blood sugar, making condition become further bad. In addition, high blood pressure can be aggravated by high sugar level, doing harm to kidney.

3. Have a low salt diet

As is known that, salt can increase blood pressure, and worsen swelling. In this way, high creatinine level can be more serious. Thus, low salt is needed in daily life.

4. Have calcium-rich food

Without enough calcium,patients becomes more weakness. Calcium-rich food contains milk,dried small shrimps,kelp,soy and ribs.

5. More vitamins

Vitamins can enhance immunity, preventing further inflammation and infection in kidney. Vegetables and fruits can be good source of vitamins.

6. Water

Enough water is necessary and beneficial for them. But if swelling is very serious, you must limit intake water strictly. Otherwise, swelling can be worse, and kidney disease can be aggravated further.

Detailed treatment of food,you can refer to "A Healthy Diet for Diabetes and High Creatinine Level" for the details. Follow the food tips and you’ll have a comfortable life. As different people have different circumstances,email to kidney-support@hotmail.com and you’ll get a individual suggestions.


The best treatment of kidney failure with nausea

The best treatment of kidney failure with nausea
Nausea is common symptom for the patients with Renal Failure. It can affect their appetite thus causing malnutrition, which can decline their resistance and aggravate their primary disease. Therefore, solving nausea problem is very important for the patients with Renal Failure.  However, What is the best treatment of kidney failure with nausea?

First, What to Do for Nausea in Renal Failure?

1. In Renal Failure due to glomerular diseases, as the glomeruli are damaged seriously, they can not prevent the protein that body needs from leaking into urine. It can disorder the normal function of digestive tract, trigging nausea, vomit and other problems.

2.  The urea nitrogen level in Renal Failure is usually very high. The urea will be resolved by the urease in the stomach and intestine thus irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa causing inflammation and ulcer. According to some researches, the higher the urine nitrogen level is, the more serious the nausea will be.

3. Metabolic acidosis is also an important cause of nausea for patients with Renal Failure. As the kidneys fail to discharge the metabolic products out of body, much acid metabolites will deposit in the body, leading to metabolic acidosis. In this case, the patients may have nausea and vomit.

4. Some medicines also can lead to nausea. If the patients with Renal Failure use cyclophosphamide over time, it can injure their liver function leading to nausea.

5. Hyponatremia is also a common cause of nausea for the patients with Renal Failure.

Then, what is the best treatment of kidney failure with nausea?

In order to avoid nausea, the patients should have enough fluid supplements so as to avoid blood concentration and keep blood urea nitrogen level stale. However, as many patients may have oliguria, they should keep proper fluid intake with their doctors' guidance.

What's the important for solving the nausea in Renal Failure is to recover the normal excretion function. In many years' clinical practices, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has showed its tremendous effect in treating Renal Failure.

The effective integrants in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate renal blood vessels thus improving blood circulation, which can improve the excretion of urea nitrogen and other metabolic wastes. Moreover, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can provide the necessary nutrients for repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells so the kidneys will improve their excretion function greatly.

Experts remind you do control the disease in the early stage, otherwise, you may loss the chance to get recovery. If you need any help in the best treatment of kidney failure with nausea, you can chat with our online doctor or email us. Our email: kidney-support@hotmail.com.

Treatment for Excessive Urination at Night in Kidney Failure

Treatment for Excessive Urination at Night in Kidney Failure
Nocturia, or excessive urination at night, is often the symptom of an underlying medical condition. This condition can be quite bothersome. Generally, people can sleep 6 to 8 hours without feeling the need to pass urine. But, in case of people suffering from nocturia, the need to urinate is more frequent. Could Kidney Failure cause this problem? Which is the treatment for Excessive Urination at Night in Kidney Failure?

Why do Kidney Failure patients urinate more at night?

Each of the kidneys is make up of about 1 million functioning units known as nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering units of tiny blood vessels - glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule.

When blood enters the glomerulus, it is filtered and the remaining fluid then passes along the tubule. The main function of renal tubule is to re-absorb the useful substances and produce the urine.

The reason why Renal Failure patients urinating more at night is because the kidneys get damaged, especially for the renal tubules are impaired. There is tubular concentration defects and large solute delivery through the remaining functional nephrons. Patients will experience the problem of nocturia.

Treatment for Excessive Urination at Night in Kidney Failure

1. Modify daily behavioral changes. Limit the amount of liquid intake after a certain hour. Elevate leg at bedtime. Take naps in the late morning to mid afternoon.

2. Take medications to regulate the urine production and reduce the amount accumulated at night.

3. Receive Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment like acupuncture, as a more holistic alternative.

Experts remind you do control the disease in the early stage, otherwise, you may loss the chance to get recovery. If you need any help in Treatment for Excessive Urination at Night in Kidney, you can chat with our online doctor or email us. Our email: kidney-support@hotmail.com.


The Best Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Failure in 2014

For patients with stage 3 CKD, their kidney function is damaged moderately, and many health problems will be caused at this point. Kidney is an important organ of our body, which is in charge of our body’s internal metabolic balances. However, the fact is that no one wants to begin dialysis, if they still have other treatment options. Then, What is the best treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Failure in 2014?

The Best Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Failure in 2014

Aside from western medicine, dialysis and kidney transplant, herbal remedies, acupuncture, healthy foods, spiritual healing and homeopathy to deal with kidney disease, and doctors will help their patients to choose one best according to their illness condition. (If you want to know which one the following listed is suitable for you, you can send you test report to kidney-support@hotmail.com, so we can invite the professional nephrologists to help you.)

1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Through the functions of expanding blood vessels, anti inflammation, anti coagulation, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and degrade the immune complexes. This therapy is recommended when patients still have urine output and their kidney function level is still above 5%. Through providing enough blood, nutritions and oxygen for inherent kidney cells and increasing these cells’ self-healing system, this therapy indeed can help improve patients’ kidney function level and avoid dialysis.

2. Immunotherapy: After these harmful substances are detected, at this step, we need to eliminate them through a combination of blood purification techniques. Immunotherapy comes into being. It is such a therapy which aims to repair the damaged kidneys and rebuild the innate immune system of human body.

3. Clear Blood Pollution Therapy: The first step of this therapy is to cleanse patients’ blood repeatedly so that normal blood circulation can support the restoration of impaired kidney cells. Then, some Chinese medicines with the effects of nourishing kidneys are needed.

These are above“The Best Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Failure in 2014”, each treatment has its own characteristics, which is suitable for you? After consulting the following online customer service, you will find the answer you want, we will reply as soon as possible.

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