
Herbs to help patients with dialysis with nausea

Herbs to help patients with dialysis with nausea

Nausea is discomfort in the upper stomach and a head with a desire to tear. These are also the side effects of dialysis, kidney disease, many medications, etc.

Many herbs are used to alleviate the symptom of nausea in patients with dialysis for your information as follows.

Chinese herbs for nausea in kidney disease

Try one or more of the following natural herbs that can help relieve your body of nausea.

- cinnamon

This herb helps calm the stomach and relieve nausea. To make cinnamon tea, boil 1 teaspoon of cinnamon bark in a cup of water for about 10 minutes; strain and drink. Do not use cinnamon tea during pregnancy.

- Ginger

Ginger is available in many forms, which are a common herb for alleviating nausea or vomiting. Clinical cases have already proven effective in alleviating nausea.

- mint

Peppermint is a natural antispasmodic that helps alleviate muscle spasms in the digestive tract. Thus, it helps to reduce nausea or vomiting in patients who are on dialysis.

Herbs for kidney disease

Some specific herbs help restore damage to kidney tissue, improve kidney function and alleviate symptoms, etc.

- Uva Ursi

Uva Ursy is also known as the bearberry, which is one of the best antiseptics for urine. Uva-Ursy is primarily used to treat disinfection and kidney problems.

- Green tea

Green tea helps the liver by reducing fat deposits. These herbs contain compounds known as polyphenols, which inhibit many complications in patients with dialysis, such as urinary tract infection, kidney stone, etc.

These herbs are just one of the most common options for alleviating kidney disease or its symptoms. In fact, all the symptoms, including nausea or complications, are caused by the underlying kidney disease. Until the kidneys can be revered, your symptoms and complications will disappear spontaneously.

If you have a question with the kidney, you can send your analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine

Creatinine is the production of muscles, and this is a harmful substance for our body. Almost all of the produced creatinine will be excreted through the urine on the same day, which makes it a relatively accurate standard in the study of kidney function. If a person has kidney disease, his kidney function will be damaged, and creatinine in the blood can not be removed normally, so his creatinine level will be higher than the normal value.

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine?

A damaged kidney can cause many symptoms, and the symptoms will be more obvious, as the lesions become more serious.

Patients with a high level of creatinine may have swelling, and this may be the most common symptom in them. Patients will have swelling in the lower extremities and around the eyes at an early stage, and at a later stage, patients may have pleural effusions or other types of edema, and patients may find it difficult to breathe.

Patients with a high level of creatinine may also have fatigue. Because patients have kidney disease, therefore, the hormones released by the kidneys will be less, and hemopoietin is one of them. Reducing hematopoietin will cause a shortage of oxygen, which must be delivered to the cells of the body, and our body will feel tired if the metabolism of our body can not normally progress.

Another obvious change in patients with a high level of creatinine is a change in urine. Patients may find that they have foamy urine, and the color may be red, the color of a tea or any other color. This is because there are some substances that must be contained in the blood flowing in the urine. Such as protein, red blood cells, etc.

In addition, patients may have many other symptoms, such as itching, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and nerve symptoms, etc. Patients may also have cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, heart disease, etc.

A high level of creatinine means that the kidneys are damaged, so it's normal that patients will have many symptoms. If you are not sure if your symptom is caused by your kidney disease, you should consult a doctor, or you can also contact our online specialists, and we are ready to help you.

Mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Causes of high levels of creatinine

Causes of high levels of creatinine

Creatinine is a chemical waste that is formed from the metabolism of muscles. Currently, many patients are confused by high levels of creatinine, and they are interested in its causing factors. As a rule, serum creatinine is a significant indicator that reflects the function of the kidneys. Constant increase in the level of creatinine is mainly due to the following factors:

1. Renal failure

If renal failure is combined with other infections, such as influenza, pneumonia, intestinal infection, urinary tract infection, etc., their creatinine level may increase in a short time.

2. Dehydration

Such as fever, hyperosis, reduced water intake. In addition, diuresis can cause blood concentration and reduce blood flow in the kidneys.

3. Drugs that are harmful to the kidneys

If patients with kidney disease take medications that are harmful to the kidneys. The level of creatinine will increase. And patients should pay attention to the following drugs: gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, etc. In serious condition this can lead to irreversible consequences.

4. Poor management of blood pressure and long-term massive proteinuria (the volume of protein in the urine is more than 1 g or 1.5 g per day) can slowly lead to its occurrence.

5. Because of the recurrence of the disease, patients with kidney disease, accompanied by anuria or oliguria, may be affected by this symptom.

6. Insufficient attention to live details. Fatigue, weakness and bad interruptions also cause factors.

The above causes a high level of creatinine. If you have been diagnosed with this symptom and you want to learn more about this, we are here to help. You can write to us by e-mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 (from Monday to Sunday) to arrange an appointment.

Home remedy for restoring kidney function

Home remedy for restoring kidney function

It's time to restore the kidneys, when harmful substances attack the kidneys and tissues that damage the kidneys, are gradually damaged. Apart from some medical treatments, a home remedy is also very useful for restoring the kidneys.

Damaged kidneys

With painful kidneys, less blood flows into the kidneys. On the one hand, the filters for the kidneys can not completely remove excess liquid and waste. On the other hand, cells functioning in the kidneys get into a state of absence of blood and oxygen. Thus, home remedies are needed that can help the damaged kidneys to purify the blood or supplement the nutritional cells of the kidneys.

Home remedies for kidney restoration

1. Therapeutic bath

A medicinal bath is one medicine that adds some effective herbal medicines to the patient's foot bath, so effective ingredients can penetrate directly into the skin through the skin. One of the great effects of these drugs is the dilatation of the blood vessels to provide enough blood and oxygen in the kidneys. Another obvious effect is encouraging patients to sweat, so many waste and liquid can be discharged through the skin. The key to this home remedy is choosing the right medicine.

2. Eat the right foods

Some foods contain a rich unsaturated fatty acid, which can inhibit inflammatory reactions in the kidneys. If the kidneys are attacked by lupus, purple nephritis, IgA nephritis, FSSS, etc., these products can help restore the kidneys. Fish oil, linseed oil, olive oil, etc. Are a good choice.

In addition, foods with abundant antioxidants can help remove free radicals in the body so they can protect the remaining kidney function.

3. Drink herbal tea

Some herbs also have the property of protecting the kidneys and clearing the blood, for example, corn silk, bearberry, couch and horsetail, etc. With the help of an online doctor, you can choose one suitable herbal tea for drinking.

Here we list only three home remedies for kidney restoration. In addition, some other remedies are also useful. If you are interested in more home remedies, you can contact us freely. My mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Serum creatinine level 400 with atrophic kidney

Serum creatinine level 400 with atrophic kidney

Atrophic kidney means that the size of the kidney is smaller than the normal range. Typically, an atrophic kidney means a decrease in kidney function, which can cause an increase in serum creatinine. Speaking about the serum level of creatinine 400 and atrophic kidney, different individual conditions require varying personal suggestions. You can talk more with our online service and get detailed help based on your own terms.

Atrophic kidney and serum creatinine 400

The atrophic kidney refers to the decreased renal soil, which is usually caused by the loss of nephrons or we can say that the decrease in kidney function. The kidney is the part of the body that is responsible for allocating urine to the body.

Creatinine is a waste created by the normal cleavage of the muscles during activity and deposited in the blood. If your kidneys work properly, creatinine will be filtered out of the blood and into the urine.

However, when your kidneys are atrophic, some kidney functions will disappear due to loss of nephrons. As a result, the kidneys are unable to properly remove creatinine from the blood. This increases the level of creatinine in patients with atrophic kidneys.

How to reduce the level of high levels of creatinine in atrophic kidney patients?

Atrophic kidney is the main reason for the high level of creatinine, so patients are asked to deal with the main damage to the kidneys.

Chinese herbal medicine is offered that helps to repair damaged kidney tissue and improve kidney function. Some specific herbs help repair damaged tissue and kidney cells. If it can help to reverse the atrophic kidney, if it can be treated immediately.

When atrophic kidneys can work better, they naturally remove more waste from the blood and lower the level of high levels of creatinine.

If you want to know the formula of herbs, you can send an e-mail to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 or leave a message below.

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet? This may be a problem that many patients face on peritoneal dialysis.

Peritoneal dialysis is an effective way to prolong a patient's life, and it is very useful for the patient. For example, when compared with hematodialysis, it is very convenient, because it can be done at home and has little to do with the patient's life. In addition, this will not cause the disequilibrium syndrome, which will cause much suffering for the patient.

But peritoneal dialysis also has a drawback, and the most serious shortage of peritoneal dialysis is a patient who is most likely to be infected. Once a patient is infected, this can cause the patient to have peritonitis, which is very dangerous. Peritonitis can lead to a large loss of protein, and can also lead to peritoneal adhesion, which can lead to loss of peritoneal dialysis, and peritonitis can also lead to death. Therefore, the patient must pay attention to prevent infection in his life.

On the other hand, if the patient wants to keep the pet, it may be a good idea for the patient to keep good emotions, but this may not be a good idea, because the pet always takes a lot of bacteria, and for patients who have peritoneal dialysis in themselves at home, this is very dangerous.

But for a patient who wants to keep a pet, he may think that he may prefer not to take abdominal dialysis at home, but always take peritoneal dialysis at the hospital. As we know, bacteria in pets are always a dangerous source for a patient with peritoneal dialysis, and the patient will always take a dialysis tube in their body, so this is always dangerous for the patient.

Thus, the patient should choose not to keep a pet at home. However, if you still have problems working with your status, you can send us an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 and inform us of your need, and we will respond to you on time.


Top 10 best herbs for kidney failure

Top 10 best herbs for kidney failure

Renal failure is the loss of kidney function over time. Numerous herbs can help treat this condition. Here's about the top 10 best Chinese herbs for kidney failure for your reference.

1. Astragalus. This herb is a diuretic, antihypertensive and antioxidant that protects kidney function and helps repair damaged tissue.

2. Dandelion. The leaves, flowers and roots of the plant are used medicinally. Dandelion is a diuretic, gastric and kidney and can help with the treatment of chronic renal failure.

3. Grape seed. It has been used for centuries to treat health conditions, including hypertension, high cholesterol, poor blood circulation, swelling, nausea, skin, liver and kidney diseases, etc. Thus, the symptoms of this kidney failure can be eliminated with this herbal remedy .

4. Chinese rhubarb. This is a common herb in China and Japan, which can prolong survival in diseases of the kidneys.

5. Cranberry. They are widely used to strengthen the kidneys and urinary tract. In addition, they prevent the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys.

6. Hydrangea. Commonly used herb for renal failure is hydrangea. It has a diuretic effect and helps to clear the urinary tract and keep it healthy.

7. Milk thistle. Milk thistle is an antioxidant that helps the kidneys function better and protects them from the devastating effects of numerous complications.

8. Licorice root. It is used to detoxify and enhance or balance the effects of other components in plant formulas. This herb is soothing, anti-allergic, antioxidant, nutritious, spasmolytic and mild laxative.

9. Horsetail. It is used as a diuretic and is most useful for people with a history of stones in the kidneys of uric acid. This herbal remedy helps to treat or prevent kidney stones and UTIs.

10. Corn silk. It is known that corn silk reduces water retention and swelling. He also washed the kidneys and worked as a diuretic.

Proper use of herbs can help improve and restore kidney function in kidney failure. If you want to know the best herbs for your condition, please chat with our online doctor or leave a message below, still our mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

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