
Polycystic Kidney Disease with Low Blood Pressure,Back Pain, Sciatica

Back pain, sciatica and high blood pressure are common complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease. How about the Polycystic Kidney Disease with low blood pressure?

Most patients with multiple renal cysts suffer from high blood pressure, your case is a little rare. Renal cysts can enlarge over time and enlarged cysts not only press normal kidneys, causing renal insufficiency and even renal failure, but also stretch nerves around kidneys, it can radiate to buttocks or thign, so there is a possibility that your back pain and sciatica are caused by the enlarged cysts.

There is a reference range for SBP (90-140) and DBP (60-90), you need not worry about your blood pressure, they are in normal condition, just a little bit low.

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease usually have complications of renal cyst or urinary tract infection, in this case, frequent urination usually happens, you can take an urine test to evaluate condition. Meanwhile, another possibility is your renal tubular get damaged now, so it can not reabsorb water properly, this can also cause large urine output.

Also a very dangerous factor for PKD is enlarged cysts can rupture, sit-ups increase pressure in peritoneal cavity, it increases the chance to cysts rupture. When cysts get broken, it can cause Hematuria or peritonitis.

On the basis of mentioned above, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are advised to avoid sit-ups, and sitting and bending.

If you are in the stage 1st, 2nd, 3rd, that means that you still have residual renal function which can still deal with your metabolic products. In these stages, you still have energy to take so much exercise.

However, kidney disease is progressive, when your condition aggravates further, you will feel very fatigue, itchy skin, bad appetite, bad sleep and more discomforts will haunt you.

Now what you should do is to protect this part of residual renal function, meanwhile you need regulate your internal condition. By this you pain can relieve naturally.

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