
Surgical risks for chronic renal failure

Surgical risks for chronic renal failure

If you are a patient with chronic kidney failure, you can hear about surgery or test it. As a special group, they must carry many risks of surgery.

Therefore, it is extremely important for doctors to make a preoperative assessment and try to reduce mortality. The risks of surgery for patients with chronic renal failure are as follows:

During surgical procedures, patients with chronic renal insufficiency tend to develop acute renal failure. In general, the risk of acute renal failure in surgical patients is estimated at about 1%. There are also several factors that may increase the risk of developing acute kidney damage in general, including diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, peripheral vascular disease, type of surgery, such as emergency surgery, etc.

In addition, the presence of chronic renal failure increases morbidity and mortality rates for several different operations. For example, a low glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is an independent predictor of mortality after a coronary artery bypass surgery. The mortality of patients with chronic renal failure increases with decreasing GFR. Similar data comparing GFR with increased morbidity and mortality are also found among patients who receive other types of surgeries, such as facultative large-scale vascular surgery, aneurysm surgery of the endovascular aorta.

Therefore, it is very important that patients with chronic renal insufficiency communicate with their physicians before surgery on the history of the disease, complications of chronic kidney failure, etc. Thus, doctors can assess the risks of the operation and take preventive measures in advance.

The following recommendations are recommended to doctors.

- complications of chronic renal failure;

- risk of loss of renal function;

- confirmed diagnosis of the type of kidney disease;

- Residual renal function;

Only after doctors understand the painful conditions of patients with chronic renal insufficiency, will they be able to improve the success rate of the operation. If you need further assistance, you are advised to leave a message below or contact Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

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