
Diabetes and creatinine level 3.25 Preventing dialysis

After being diagnosed with diabetes and the level of creatinine 3.25, patients always ask to find ways to avoid dialysis. In this paper, we will discuss this issue. For free, professional advice, consult our online doctor and talk directly.

The diagnosis of diabetes and creatinine level 3.25

The kidneys are made up of millions of small filters called nephrons. When glucose levels in the blood are consistently too high, the nephrons are destroyed over time. This affects the function of the kidneys to filter blood and remove waste. Kidney function declines with time.

As is known, the time at which about half or more of kidney function, creatinine level starts increasing damaged. Creatinine 3.25 is much higher than the normal range (0.5-1.2) indicating very severe kidney damage.

If left untreated or not effectively controlled, the level will be gradually raised. Patients eventually enter into kidney failure.

Diabetes and 3.25 creatinine level: how to avoid dialysis

In order to prevent kidney failure and avoid dialysis, patients with this disorder is recommended to take any measure to help prevent further deterioration of renal failure or reverse kidney disease ever.

Because each patient's condition disease is special, you can consult your doctor for individualized suggestions. Or Email us at sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com with test reports or details of the disease such as your age, medical history, current renal function, adopted treatment, general health, kidney etc. Our experts can help to make a complete analysis and we will reply with the best treatment plan.

Currently, the most effective therapy which helps stop the progression of renal disease and renal failure is avoided therapy blood contamination. It is a systematic treatment that combines advanced methods of blood purification therapies and traditional Chinese medicine. Under this treatment, patients with diabetes and creatinine level of 3.25 can expect the best recovery.

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