
Various causes of itchy skin and treatment options in ESRD

Itchy skin is commonly complained by patients with kidney disease, especially those who develop ESRD (ESRD). Here we will help you learn more about the causes of itchy skin and treatment options in ESRD, hoping it could help improve the quality of your life.
Various causes of itchy skin ESRD
When the condition develops ESRD, the kidneys are incapable of removing toxins including urea, acid urea, creatinine, PTH, phenols, fatty amines, etc. The accumulation of these toxins can cause damage to various systems in the body, leading to clinical manifestations of uremia syndrome. Moreover, a small amount of toxins are discharged from the skin by the sweat, which forms the skin crystallizations. However, crystallization can stimulate the skin and then cause itchy skin.
Metabolism calcium-phosphorus-as hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia may appear in the terminal stage renal disease. While hyperphosphatemia also associated with itching
In addition to high levels of toxins in the body 'ESRD patients, the plasma osmotic pressure is generally high, it is easy to cause moisture to the blood vessels of the skin is transferred. In that case, the relative skin dehydration will be caused, which causes dry skin.
For ESRD patients, the capacity of the sebaceous gland to secrete oils and fats is reduced, then the ability of the skin to retain moisture will be also decreased. In that case, a large number of moisture will be lost from the skin, the skin also can be dried. However, dry skin is also an important factor resulting in itchy skin in ESRD.
Coping with itchy skin in ESRD?
ESRD patients should wipe the skin with warm water regularly, which can keep the skin clean and soothe itchy skin to some extent. Antihistamine like Claritin has a relatively obvious effect on controlling itchy skin.
In addition to dialysis and renal transplantation, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, immunotherapy and stem cell therapy can also become treatment options' ESRD patients. If you still have a follow up question, please let us know. Leave a message or e-mail kidney-support@hotmail.com.

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