
The life expectancy of a person in complete renal failure

Compete renal failure also known as end-stage renal disease. This means that the state is already in the last and most stages of chronic kidney disease. So what is the life expectancy of a person in renal failure compete?

There is no exact answer to the life expectancy of a person in complete renal failure, this is because it can be influenced by many factors such as your age, if there are any symptoms and serious complications, treatment he or she chooses when the condition develops ESRD, etc. Here we will talk about the life expectancy of a person in complete renal failure of different treatment options.

Dialysis and kidney transplant

Dialysis and kidney transplantation are two common treatment options for patients with complete renal failure in many countries. Some related materials have shown that the average life expectancy for dialysis patients is 4.25 years and only 23% of patients can live for 10 years. Compared to dialysis treatment a successful kidney transplant can actually help prolong the life expectancy of a person in complete renal failure. Some patients who received a kidney transplant can live for 20 years or so, while some cases will experience relapse of the disease, even after hours to weeks.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is another treatment option that is a new development of Chinese medicinal herbs for complete renal failure. Its aim is to repair damage to the kidneys and recovery of renal function. Patients only need to lie down on the bed to follow this treatment, two bags of Chinese medicinal herbs processing which has the functions as anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation , removing blood stasis and provide nutrition to damaged kidneys are placed under the lower back of the patient, the device osmosis and blood circulation patients'own help drug active materials obtained directly kidneys to kidney damage repair and restore renal function via the above functions.

If complete kidney failure patients still have some certain amount of urine, it is expected that the treatment effect becomes more apparent. Although life expectancy of a person in complete renal failure still can not give exactly the kidneys can be saved and live a normal life can still be expected.

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