
PKD with high blood pressure and GFR 41

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder. Is a progressive disorder and a series of signs appear as kidney function decreases. A treatment for PKD with high blood pressure and GFR 41 will be recommended for the following content.

High blood pressure and GFR 41 in PKD

PKD is featured with a number of numerous cysts in the kidneys. With age, the cysts grow in both size and number. As a result, enlarged cysts cause pressure against kidneys and replace more and healthier nephrons. As a result, the kidneys will not be able to get enough blood supply.

When renal ischemia and anoxia occurs, kidneys produce more renin, a hormone that can contract blood vessels. Thus, high blood pressure will occur.

GFR measures how much blood is filtered by glomeruli nephrons. When the nephrons are damaged or are reduced in number, less blood will be filtered by kidneys, resulting in low GFR. GFR normal result between 90 ~ 125 ml / min. So GFR 41 is associated with very severe kidney damage in PKD.

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Treatment for PKD with high blood pressure and GFR 41

Generally, some medications are prescribed for patients to reduce high blood pressure. However, medications alone are not enough.

As high blood pressure in PKD is of inadequate blood supply to kidneys, increasing blood supply to kidney is an important part of treatment. GFR for raising 41, a step is to increase blood supply to the kidneys and other objective is to restore the damaged kidney nephrons.

Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for patients with PKD with high blood pressure and GFR 41. It is a herbal therapy in developing Chinese traditional herbal medicine. This therapy can activate the self-healing system in the body to regenerate damaged nephrons, renal function improving dramatically.

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