
Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet? This may be a problem that many patients face on peritoneal dialysis.

Peritoneal dialysis is an effective way to prolong a patient's life, and it is very useful for the patient. For example, when compared with hematodialysis, it is very convenient, because it can be done at home and has little to do with the patient's life. In addition, this will not cause the disequilibrium syndrome, which will cause much suffering for the patient.

But peritoneal dialysis also has a drawback, and the most serious shortage of peritoneal dialysis is a patient who is most likely to be infected. Once a patient is infected, this can cause the patient to have peritonitis, which is very dangerous. Peritonitis can lead to a large loss of protein, and can also lead to peritoneal adhesion, which can lead to loss of peritoneal dialysis, and peritonitis can also lead to death. Therefore, the patient must pay attention to prevent infection in his life.

On the other hand, if the patient wants to keep the pet, it may be a good idea for the patient to keep good emotions, but this may not be a good idea, because the pet always takes a lot of bacteria, and for patients who have peritoneal dialysis in themselves at home, this is very dangerous.

But for a patient who wants to keep a pet, he may think that he may prefer not to take abdominal dialysis at home, but always take peritoneal dialysis at the hospital. As we know, bacteria in pets are always a dangerous source for a patient with peritoneal dialysis, and the patient will always take a dialysis tube in their body, so this is always dangerous for the patient.

Thus, the patient should choose not to keep a pet at home. However, if you still have problems working with your status, you can send us an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 and inform us of your need, and we will respond to you on time.

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