
Chinese herbs for kidney failure

Chinese herbs for kidney failure

Kidneys are very important organs for maintaining body health. When you are diagnosed with kidney failure, Chinese herbs can help show natural effects to alleviate symptoms and slow the progression of kidney function decline.

Ho Shou Wu

Ho Shou Wu gives a pulse of energy and has a powerful reproductive function. By providing the kidney with the necessary strength, it can also help to recover from gray hair, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and arterial sclerosis.


This natural herb has general health benefits for the body. It helps to stimulate blood circulation, increases stamina and helps to cope with stress. This helps to repair damaged damaged kidneys and improve kidney function in patients with kidney failure.

Kitchen Grass

The couch increases urine production and treats urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis. The couch sheds and even partially dissolves stones in the kidneys. It is also a good choice for patients with kidney disease.

Dan Shen

Dan Shen can help a person cope with the stress associated with kidney deficiency, which arises from problems with urination and sexual dysfunction.

Chinese herbs are used to tonify the kidney and provide it with strength. Restoring the kidney to a normal healthy state takes a certain amount of time even when using Chinese herbs.

Many Chinese herbs can treat kidney disease. If you want to try, be sure to find Chinese doctors to determine the treatment option. And if you yourself take herbs, it can be a great risk of life. In the Beijing Tong Shan Tang Hospital TCM, there is systematic therapy for the treatment of kidney disease. Many foreign patients

It should be noted that certain herbs with stimulating properties, such as black tea, ephedra and cola nut, should be avoided. For the list of excluded herbs, you can leave a message below, or send an analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707. And we are happy to reply you within 24 ~ 48 hours.

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