
What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine and how to reduce

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine and how to reduce

Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism. A high level of creatinine can be the result of various factors, such as increased muscle mass, strenuous exercise, food abuse and affected kidneys. And what are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine?

A high level of creatinine, which is a sign of kidney disease, leads to various symptoms, disrupting the life of the sufferer. If you have a high level of creatinine, you may experience the following symptoms.

How to reduce the level of creatinine?

- finding the root cause. As mentioned above, a high level of creatinine can be caused by various causes. Finding the root cause is the first way to get the right management. If you are not sure about this reason, you are invited to talk with you about the recent experience with our online doctor. We are happy to help you find the cause.

- Follow the plan for your diet that suits you. High levels of creatinine can be caused by dietary problems. A controlled diet helps reduce the intake of foods that always increase the level of creatinine.

- prepare for treatment. If you experience a high level of creatinine for a while, this is called a temporary high level of creatinine. Usually this does not require treatment. However, if you are exposed to chronic high levels of creatinine, you run the risk of suffering from a underlying illness, such as kidney disease or blood disease.

- Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine can repair damaged kidney cells. Chinese medicine has been established for 5000 years in China, and many patients love Chinese medicine. This is a very wonderful therapy for the treatment of the disease.

When the level of creatinine increases very rapidly, dialysis is recommended. Otherwise, long-term levels of extremely high creatinine levels can cause dangerous problems related to your life.

Whether high levels of creatinine result from lifestyle changes or major serious illnesses, a series of tests are required. If you are interested, you can request a list of tests for a high level of creatinine by e-mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

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