
Home remedy for restoring kidney function

Home remedy for restoring kidney function

It's time to restore the kidneys, when harmful substances attack the kidneys and tissues that damage the kidneys, are gradually damaged. Apart from some medical treatments, a home remedy is also very useful for restoring the kidneys.

Damaged kidneys

With painful kidneys, less blood flows into the kidneys. On the one hand, the filters for the kidneys can not completely remove excess liquid and waste. On the other hand, cells functioning in the kidneys get into a state of absence of blood and oxygen. Thus, home remedies are needed that can help the damaged kidneys to purify the blood or supplement the nutritional cells of the kidneys.

Home remedies for kidney restoration

1. Therapeutic bath

A medicinal bath is one medicine that adds some effective herbal medicines to the patient's foot bath, so effective ingredients can penetrate directly into the skin through the skin. One of the great effects of these drugs is the dilatation of the blood vessels to provide enough blood and oxygen in the kidneys. Another obvious effect is encouraging patients to sweat, so many waste and liquid can be discharged through the skin. The key to this home remedy is choosing the right medicine.

2. Eat the right foods

Some foods contain a rich unsaturated fatty acid, which can inhibit inflammatory reactions in the kidneys. If the kidneys are attacked by lupus, purple nephritis, IgA nephritis, FSSS, etc., these products can help restore the kidneys. Fish oil, linseed oil, olive oil, etc. Are a good choice.

In addition, foods with abundant antioxidants can help remove free radicals in the body so they can protect the remaining kidney function.

3. Drink herbal tea

Some herbs also have the property of protecting the kidneys and clearing the blood, for example, corn silk, bearberry, couch and horsetail, etc. With the help of an online doctor, you can choose one suitable herbal tea for drinking.

Here we list only three home remedies for kidney restoration. In addition, some other remedies are also useful. If you are interested in more home remedies, you can contact us freely. My mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

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