
How Much Phosphorus should a Person with PKD Consume in A Day

Phosphorus, a mineral found in the body, plays an important role in human life. About 85 percent of this substance in the body is in bone. The body uses it to form strong bones and teeth, make energy, produce hormones, etc. For a person with PKD, the body is less able to regulate the levels of phosphorus as the disease progresses, and serious bone problems can be caused due to high level of this mineral.

High levels of phosphorus and bone disease

a. Bone and heart problems, which may lead to death in some cases;

b. Too much PTH to be released, which gradually may weaken bones and make them more likely to break and develop renal osteodystrophy;

c. Low bone calcium;

d. Bone pain;

e. Itching;

f. Calcification or hardening of tissues.

Therefore, people with PKD are urged to eat foods that are low in phosphorus. This can help keep the blood phosphorus level in a healthy range.

How much phosphorus should a person with PKD consume in a day?

Recommended amount varies from case to case, but for a person with elevated phosphorus, nephrologists generally recommend limiting the daily dietary level from 800~1,000 mg.

Foods that had better be limited or avoided include:

Meats - all fish: sardines, tuna, lobster, oysters, liver, egg yolk, poultry, pork, lamb, veal, beef, beef liver, salmon, scallops, flounder.

Dairy - milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, pudding, custard, cream pies, malted, buttermilk, butter.

Nuts - coconut, peanut, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, walnuts.

Vegetables - asparagus, corn, mushrooms, mustard greens, green peas.

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