
A Healthy Diet for Patients with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

A Healthy Diet for Patients with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Diet for Stage 3 CKD is listed in this article. Patient with stage 3 of chronic kidney disease is suggested to follow a special diet for healthy diet options help slow the development of the disease. When suffering from stage 3 kidney disease, the diet followed has to be a particular kind.

Some top dietitians have made a meal plan for stage 3 CKD patients:

● Fresh fruits and vegetables: cabbages, cauliflower, onion, cucumber, carrot.

● Low-fat dairy products: Yogurt, sugar-free cheese, sugar-free milk

● Whole grains

● Low the intake of fats .

● Eat less food which contains high protein, sodium ingredients or salt.

● Pay attention to the supplement of vitamin and mineral substance.

● Limit calcium if blood levels are above normal.

● Have the right amount of protein which is at the Daily Reference Intake level of 0.8 grams per kilogram body.

● Control the intake of calories to maintain a healthy weight.

● Avoid salt and sodium: Processed meat, canned vegetables, frozen dinner, sacks, nuts, fast foods contain much sodium and should be avoided.

● No sweetened beverages or soda and

● limited red and processed meats (hot dogs, sausages, fast food, etc)

Only diet is far from enough for the recovery of your illness condition. A healthy diet can only help you slow down the progression but cannot treat kidney disease from the root. To get rid of all problems, treatment should aim at controlling symptoms as well as improving kidney function.. If you are interested in the above treatments, it is free for you to consult us on line.

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