
How to treat edema in chronic glomerulonephritis

How to treat edema in chronic glomerulonephritis

Edema in chronic glomerulonephritis swelling or edema is a common symptom in chronic glomerulonephritis. If left untreated, it can affect the walking ability of patients. Therefore, to treat edema in chronic glomerulonephritis is very important to improve the overall health of the patient. Here we must first make clear the main causes of this symptom.

What are the reasons?

In chronic glomerulonephritis, glomerular filtration function of patients, usually decreases while renal tubule still has a good ability to reabsorb water and sodium. As a result, the excess water and sodium will accumulate in the body, and then becomes one of the causes swelling in the chronic glomerulonephritis. In addition, there is another reason, the root of the protein leakage. When glomeruli can not do their job very well, a lot of protein will flow out of the kidney and discharged from the body through urine. As a result, the plasma protein level is lower than normal, and this is more likely to exacerbate the edema patients. Because these two reasons as a due to violations of glomerular function, the best treatment is to make the damaged glomerular cells alive.

How to treat edema in chronic glomerulonephritis?

Since we know the key to achieving this goal, the ultimate goal is to restore the impaired kidney function. Osmotherapy Micro-Chinese Medicine, absorbing the essence of Chinese traditional medicine and western advanced medical technologies, is able to do some of the glomerular cells active again, but not all, as some of these cells have been damaged fully, and we can do nothing to make them alive again . The only thing we can do is to restore the damaged, but not necrotic cells. With the help of effective drugs, this treatment makes patients alleviate swelling and improve their overall health.

If you are ready to find the answer how to treat edema in chronic glomerulonephritis, you can learn more about this treatment, firstly, through consulting online or leave their problems with the help of the following form.

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