
Chinese herbs for the treatment of kidney failure

Chinese herbs for the treatment of kidney failure

Chronic kidney failure is a serious condition that affects more than 20 million Americans, and another 20 million people are at increased risk. However, there is currently no treatment. Traditional Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat kidney problems and improve the health of people with chronic kidney failure. Some herbs can cause serious side effects in people with kidney problems, thus, it is always necessary to consult a practitioner who understands both kidney and herb diseases.

Against the background of renal insufficiency

Chronic renal failure is a chronic degenerative disease that causes a progressive loss of kidney function. Kidney failure refers to the terminal stage of CKD which is defined as the glomerular filtration rate <15. Damages caused by renal failure are systemic and damage in almost all organ systems. People experience a clearly elevated level of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen (buns), fluid retention, high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, combined heart disease, brain disorders, etc.

The leading causes of kidney failure are mainly diabetes, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, obstructive nephropathy, glomerular nephritis, etc. When the kidneys fail, people can resort to renal replacement therapy to save their lives. However, the number of people who need kidney donors is much larger than the availability of suitable donors. Using some alternative methods, including herbs, can help people prolong their lives and improve quality of life.

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