
Why dialysis can clearly reduce creatinine, but patients do not like

Why dialysis can clearly reduce creatinine, but patients do not like

Dialysis treatment is usually seen as an effective method of reducing the high level of creatinine in many countries. But many patients do not like dialysis. Why, and whether there are methods of treatment can replace dialysis.

Why do patients not like dialysis?

As you know, dialysis can reduce creatinine, but various methods of purifying blood can remove types of toxins, so the degree of creatinine decreases. But the patient with renal insufficiency needs to go to the dialysis center 3 times a week. And every dialysis takes 4 hours. This means that the patient takes 3 days for dialysis. And dialysis has many symptoms, like fatigue, low blood pressure, anemia, vomiting and nausea, etc. Dialysis still has many complications, such as imbalance syndrome, coagulation, cardiovascular complications, arrhythmia, neurological complications, low immunity, hepatitis and other complications.

What treatments can replace dialysis?

Chinese medicine can reduce creatinine from the root and plays a very important role in restoring kidney function, because these herbs can not only help eliminate toxins in the body to reduce creatinine, but can also restore kidney function to improve overall renal failure so that creatinine can be monitored on a stable level. If the urine output is normal, and the blood pressure is under control, these are good signs of recovery. If the remaining renal function is above 10%, it is most likely to help patients live a normal life without dialysis.

Currently, more and more patients with renal insufficiency want to stop dialysis treatment due to many factors, including various side effects of dialysis. When patients notice that their quality of life has not improved by dialysis, they may want to stop it. However, if patients stop dialysis without monitoring professional medical workers, it will be very dangerous for their life.

If dialysis treatment can not help you to get a better life, you can try Chinese medicine to restore renal function to reduce dialysis and even stop it. If you have interests, you can send your analysis to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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