
Reduce the increase in serum creatinine in polycystic kidney disease

Reduce the increase in serum creatinine in polycystic kidney disease

What is the management of increased serum creatinine levels for polycystic kidney disease? For patients with polycystic kidney disease, due to growing kidney cysts, the kidneys can be compressed, and the kidney function will be constantly reduced, and the level of serum creatinine will increase. But did you know that a higher level of serum creatinine means a worse kidney function.

To prevent the deterioration of kidney damage, it is necessary to prevent an increase in the level of serum creatinine and a decrease in the level of creatinine. Then we will tell you about the increase in the level of serum creatinine in polycystic kidney disease, we hope that you will be able to pay attention to it. Any questions, you can chat with the online doctor for free.

How to reduce the high level of creatinine in polycystic kidney disease? We can realize this with the help of medication and diet therapy. In fact, only from these two sides, your high level of creatinine can be reduced from the root.

Osmoterapiya micro-Chinese medicine - a new therapy for the treatment of kidney disease and is different from traditional methods of treatment. This is external therapy and acts on the lower back. Micro-Chinese medicine has the best activity and can penetrate into the kidneys with the help of effective penetration and osmosis devices. Moreover, active drugs after penetration into the kidneys can play the role of restoring damaged kidneys and improving kidney function. It has been proven that natural medicines in this therapy have the function of inhibiting the secretion of fluid cysts and advancing fluid cysts flowing in the urine. On the other hand, drugs can also dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation to improve the kidneys. In addition, they can also destroy immune complexes and prevent blood clots in order to block the progression of kidney fibrosis. While the damaged kidneys are restored, the level of elevated creatinine levels will be reduced.

In addition to drug treatment, diet therapy also plays a very important role in reducing serum creatinine levels in polycystic kidney disease. The recommended diet for patients should be low salt, low protein, without stimulant products. In addition, drinking more water can also help you reduce your high levels of creatinine. Any questions, you can send an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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