
Why People Have Abdominal Pain in ESRD

Why People Have Abdominal Pain in ESRD

End-stage renal disease (ESRD) can cause many common symptoms, one of which is abdominal pain. Patients with ESRD always have abdominal pain, and complain and want to know why it happens and how to relieve it. Here we will give a specific general description on this topic.

Why does ESRD cause abdominal pain?

There are many causes of abdominal pain in ESRD, which are the following

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the main causes that lead to abdominal pain. Because the kidney stops in the kidneys it can affect the normal structure of the kidneys and spread to the other parts of the abdomen, which causes pain in the abdomen easily. This pain is very serious and cramps. In general, abdominal pain caused by kidney stones always continues for approximately 30-60 minutes each time.

Kidney infections

Because the kidney is severely affected in ESRD, the tissues of the kidneys are very prone to infections, which also affects other organs in the abdomen. Therefore, abdominal pain is caused. This pain is usually very mild but continuous.

Causes of dialysis

When patients undergo dialysis, tubes are inserted into the abdomen, which makes the abdomen painful. In addition, as the inserts enter the abdomen, some parts are injured, which causes abdominal pain. This pain varies from one to another

In addition, there are other causes of abdominal pain in ESRD, and patients with ESRD must do tests to confirm the specific cause and obtain the appropriate treatment.

How should patients with ESRD relieve abdominal pain?

As the causes of abdominal pain differ from individual to individual, patients with ESRD must treat abdominal pain according to their own specific conditions. In general, abdominal pain is treated with medication or surgery.

Chinese medicines have functions to treat pain in the abdomen and relieve ESRD, and patients with ESRD can try some Chinese medicines to treat abdominal pain, which also does not cause side effects.

In addition to treatment, it is important that patients with ESRD avoid abdominal pain. They can have a healthy diet and do some sports in daily life. If you would like more information on a detailed diet for abdominal pain in ESRD, you can contact our doctor online. We are very happy to answer your questions.

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