
Herbs to help patients with dialysis with nausea

Herbs to help patients with dialysis with nausea

Nausea is discomfort in the upper stomach and a head with a desire to tear. These are also the side effects of dialysis, kidney disease, many medications, etc.

Many herbs are used to alleviate the symptom of nausea in patients with dialysis for your information as follows.

Chinese herbs for nausea in kidney disease

Try one or more of the following natural herbs that can help relieve your body of nausea.

- cinnamon

This herb helps calm the stomach and relieve nausea. To make cinnamon tea, boil 1 teaspoon of cinnamon bark in a cup of water for about 10 minutes; strain and drink. Do not use cinnamon tea during pregnancy.

- Ginger

Ginger is available in many forms, which are a common herb for alleviating nausea or vomiting. Clinical cases have already proven effective in alleviating nausea.

- mint

Peppermint is a natural antispasmodic that helps alleviate muscle spasms in the digestive tract. Thus, it helps to reduce nausea or vomiting in patients who are on dialysis.

Herbs for kidney disease

Some specific herbs help restore damage to kidney tissue, improve kidney function and alleviate symptoms, etc.

- Uva Ursi

Uva Ursy is also known as the bearberry, which is one of the best antiseptics for urine. Uva-Ursy is primarily used to treat disinfection and kidney problems.

- Green tea

Green tea helps the liver by reducing fat deposits. These herbs contain compounds known as polyphenols, which inhibit many complications in patients with dialysis, such as urinary tract infection, kidney stone, etc.

These herbs are just one of the most common options for alleviating kidney disease or its symptoms. In fact, all the symptoms, including nausea or complications, are caused by the underlying kidney disease. Until the kidneys can be revered, your symptoms and complications will disappear spontaneously.

If you have a question with the kidney, you can send your analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine

Creatinine is the production of muscles, and this is a harmful substance for our body. Almost all of the produced creatinine will be excreted through the urine on the same day, which makes it a relatively accurate standard in the study of kidney function. If a person has kidney disease, his kidney function will be damaged, and creatinine in the blood can not be removed normally, so his creatinine level will be higher than the normal value.

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine?

A damaged kidney can cause many symptoms, and the symptoms will be more obvious, as the lesions become more serious.

Patients with a high level of creatinine may have swelling, and this may be the most common symptom in them. Patients will have swelling in the lower extremities and around the eyes at an early stage, and at a later stage, patients may have pleural effusions or other types of edema, and patients may find it difficult to breathe.

Patients with a high level of creatinine may also have fatigue. Because patients have kidney disease, therefore, the hormones released by the kidneys will be less, and hemopoietin is one of them. Reducing hematopoietin will cause a shortage of oxygen, which must be delivered to the cells of the body, and our body will feel tired if the metabolism of our body can not normally progress.

Another obvious change in patients with a high level of creatinine is a change in urine. Patients may find that they have foamy urine, and the color may be red, the color of a tea or any other color. This is because there are some substances that must be contained in the blood flowing in the urine. Such as protein, red blood cells, etc.

In addition, patients may have many other symptoms, such as itching, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and nerve symptoms, etc. Patients may also have cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, heart disease, etc.

A high level of creatinine means that the kidneys are damaged, so it's normal that patients will have many symptoms. If you are not sure if your symptom is caused by your kidney disease, you should consult a doctor, or you can also contact our online specialists, and we are ready to help you.

Mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Causes of high levels of creatinine

Causes of high levels of creatinine

Creatinine is a chemical waste that is formed from the metabolism of muscles. Currently, many patients are confused by high levels of creatinine, and they are interested in its causing factors. As a rule, serum creatinine is a significant indicator that reflects the function of the kidneys. Constant increase in the level of creatinine is mainly due to the following factors:

1. Renal failure

If renal failure is combined with other infections, such as influenza, pneumonia, intestinal infection, urinary tract infection, etc., their creatinine level may increase in a short time.

2. Dehydration

Such as fever, hyperosis, reduced water intake. In addition, diuresis can cause blood concentration and reduce blood flow in the kidneys.

3. Drugs that are harmful to the kidneys

If patients with kidney disease take medications that are harmful to the kidneys. The level of creatinine will increase. And patients should pay attention to the following drugs: gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, etc. In serious condition this can lead to irreversible consequences.

4. Poor management of blood pressure and long-term massive proteinuria (the volume of protein in the urine is more than 1 g or 1.5 g per day) can slowly lead to its occurrence.

5. Because of the recurrence of the disease, patients with kidney disease, accompanied by anuria or oliguria, may be affected by this symptom.

6. Insufficient attention to live details. Fatigue, weakness and bad interruptions also cause factors.

The above causes a high level of creatinine. If you have been diagnosed with this symptom and you want to learn more about this, we are here to help. You can write to us by e-mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 (from Monday to Sunday) to arrange an appointment.

Home remedy for restoring kidney function

Home remedy for restoring kidney function

It's time to restore the kidneys, when harmful substances attack the kidneys and tissues that damage the kidneys, are gradually damaged. Apart from some medical treatments, a home remedy is also very useful for restoring the kidneys.

Damaged kidneys

With painful kidneys, less blood flows into the kidneys. On the one hand, the filters for the kidneys can not completely remove excess liquid and waste. On the other hand, cells functioning in the kidneys get into a state of absence of blood and oxygen. Thus, home remedies are needed that can help the damaged kidneys to purify the blood or supplement the nutritional cells of the kidneys.

Home remedies for kidney restoration

1. Therapeutic bath

A medicinal bath is one medicine that adds some effective herbal medicines to the patient's foot bath, so effective ingredients can penetrate directly into the skin through the skin. One of the great effects of these drugs is the dilatation of the blood vessels to provide enough blood and oxygen in the kidneys. Another obvious effect is encouraging patients to sweat, so many waste and liquid can be discharged through the skin. The key to this home remedy is choosing the right medicine.

2. Eat the right foods

Some foods contain a rich unsaturated fatty acid, which can inhibit inflammatory reactions in the kidneys. If the kidneys are attacked by lupus, purple nephritis, IgA nephritis, FSSS, etc., these products can help restore the kidneys. Fish oil, linseed oil, olive oil, etc. Are a good choice.

In addition, foods with abundant antioxidants can help remove free radicals in the body so they can protect the remaining kidney function.

3. Drink herbal tea

Some herbs also have the property of protecting the kidneys and clearing the blood, for example, corn silk, bearberry, couch and horsetail, etc. With the help of an online doctor, you can choose one suitable herbal tea for drinking.

Here we list only three home remedies for kidney restoration. In addition, some other remedies are also useful. If you are interested in more home remedies, you can contact us freely. My mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Serum creatinine level 400 with atrophic kidney

Serum creatinine level 400 with atrophic kidney

Atrophic kidney means that the size of the kidney is smaller than the normal range. Typically, an atrophic kidney means a decrease in kidney function, which can cause an increase in serum creatinine. Speaking about the serum level of creatinine 400 and atrophic kidney, different individual conditions require varying personal suggestions. You can talk more with our online service and get detailed help based on your own terms.

Atrophic kidney and serum creatinine 400

The atrophic kidney refers to the decreased renal soil, which is usually caused by the loss of nephrons or we can say that the decrease in kidney function. The kidney is the part of the body that is responsible for allocating urine to the body.

Creatinine is a waste created by the normal cleavage of the muscles during activity and deposited in the blood. If your kidneys work properly, creatinine will be filtered out of the blood and into the urine.

However, when your kidneys are atrophic, some kidney functions will disappear due to loss of nephrons. As a result, the kidneys are unable to properly remove creatinine from the blood. This increases the level of creatinine in patients with atrophic kidneys.

How to reduce the level of high levels of creatinine in atrophic kidney patients?

Atrophic kidney is the main reason for the high level of creatinine, so patients are asked to deal with the main damage to the kidneys.

Chinese herbal medicine is offered that helps to repair damaged kidney tissue and improve kidney function. Some specific herbs help repair damaged tissue and kidney cells. If it can help to reverse the atrophic kidney, if it can be treated immediately.

When atrophic kidneys can work better, they naturally remove more waste from the blood and lower the level of high levels of creatinine.

If you want to know the formula of herbs, you can send an e-mail to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 or leave a message below.

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet

Can someone who does peritoneal dialysis keep a pet? This may be a problem that many patients face on peritoneal dialysis.

Peritoneal dialysis is an effective way to prolong a patient's life, and it is very useful for the patient. For example, when compared with hematodialysis, it is very convenient, because it can be done at home and has little to do with the patient's life. In addition, this will not cause the disequilibrium syndrome, which will cause much suffering for the patient.

But peritoneal dialysis also has a drawback, and the most serious shortage of peritoneal dialysis is a patient who is most likely to be infected. Once a patient is infected, this can cause the patient to have peritonitis, which is very dangerous. Peritonitis can lead to a large loss of protein, and can also lead to peritoneal adhesion, which can lead to loss of peritoneal dialysis, and peritonitis can also lead to death. Therefore, the patient must pay attention to prevent infection in his life.

On the other hand, if the patient wants to keep the pet, it may be a good idea for the patient to keep good emotions, but this may not be a good idea, because the pet always takes a lot of bacteria, and for patients who have peritoneal dialysis in themselves at home, this is very dangerous.

But for a patient who wants to keep a pet, he may think that he may prefer not to take abdominal dialysis at home, but always take peritoneal dialysis at the hospital. As we know, bacteria in pets are always a dangerous source for a patient with peritoneal dialysis, and the patient will always take a dialysis tube in their body, so this is always dangerous for the patient.

Thus, the patient should choose not to keep a pet at home. However, if you still have problems working with your status, you can send us an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 and inform us of your need, and we will respond to you on time.


Top 10 best herbs for kidney failure

Top 10 best herbs for kidney failure

Renal failure is the loss of kidney function over time. Numerous herbs can help treat this condition. Here's about the top 10 best Chinese herbs for kidney failure for your reference.

1. Astragalus. This herb is a diuretic, antihypertensive and antioxidant that protects kidney function and helps repair damaged tissue.

2. Dandelion. The leaves, flowers and roots of the plant are used medicinally. Dandelion is a diuretic, gastric and kidney and can help with the treatment of chronic renal failure.

3. Grape seed. It has been used for centuries to treat health conditions, including hypertension, high cholesterol, poor blood circulation, swelling, nausea, skin, liver and kidney diseases, etc. Thus, the symptoms of this kidney failure can be eliminated with this herbal remedy .

4. Chinese rhubarb. This is a common herb in China and Japan, which can prolong survival in diseases of the kidneys.

5. Cranberry. They are widely used to strengthen the kidneys and urinary tract. In addition, they prevent the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys.

6. Hydrangea. Commonly used herb for renal failure is hydrangea. It has a diuretic effect and helps to clear the urinary tract and keep it healthy.

7. Milk thistle. Milk thistle is an antioxidant that helps the kidneys function better and protects them from the devastating effects of numerous complications.

8. Licorice root. It is used to detoxify and enhance or balance the effects of other components in plant formulas. This herb is soothing, anti-allergic, antioxidant, nutritious, spasmolytic and mild laxative.

9. Horsetail. It is used as a diuretic and is most useful for people with a history of stones in the kidneys of uric acid. This herbal remedy helps to treat or prevent kidney stones and UTIs.

10. Corn silk. It is known that corn silk reduces water retention and swelling. He also washed the kidneys and worked as a diuretic.

Proper use of herbs can help improve and restore kidney function in kidney failure. If you want to know the best herbs for your condition, please chat with our online doctor or leave a message below, still our mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

What is creatinine 260 and how to treat

What is creatinine 260 and how to treat

The normal range of creatinine levels is different from age, sex, muscle mass, etc. However, regardless of how other factors affect the level of creatinine, the 260 level goes beyond the norm.

Normal range of creatinine levels

Creatinine should be 44-97 μmol / l. 260 is completely higher than the normal range of men and women. Therefore, it should be some medical or accidental conditions that cause an elevated level of creatinine.

Elevated creatinine levels

Kidney damage

The most common cause of elevated creatinine levels is known as kidney disease, in which diabetes and high blood pressure work as leading triggers. Any conditions that worsen kidney function are likely to increase the level of creatinine in the blood.

Kidneys not only work to form urine, but also remove excess water and toxins in the blood, filtering them. Creatinine is a waste of muscular activity, and it should be removed when the kidneys function well. When the kidneys are affected by more than 50%, creatinine will accumulate in the blood, causing a high level of creatinine.

If we talk only about the degree of creatinine, 2.6 may indicate mild renal damage. CKD is divided into 5 stages by GFR. And CKD in the 3 rd stage. Thus, he can tell about the early stage 3 of CKD. However, the standard for determining kidney damage is GFR. Thus, you are invited to conduct a GFR test to find out the cause of kidney damage.

Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine

Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine has created in Beijing Tong Shan Tan Hospital TCM. Micro Chinese medicine helps to repair damaged kidneys and to reverse some kidney damage that will improve kidney function. The increase in kidney function will help to naturally remove part of the creatinine.

Different causes of elevated creatinine require different solutions. Therefore, it is important to find a list of tests for a high level of creatinine before taking any therapies. If you have a question with a high creatinine, you can send the analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Chinese therapy for high creatinine and high acid

Chinese therapy for high creatinine and high acid

A high level of creatinine and a high degree of uric acid usually indicates damage to the kidneys. A lot of natural ways are useful for this condition. Nevertheless, Chinese herbal medicine shows good medical effects for lowering the level of creatinine and high levels of uric acid.

What does high creatinine and high uric acid mean?

There are many reasons that can be the cause of a high level of creatinine and a high level of uric acid, for example, food abuse, drug abuse, strenuous exercise, etc. These random factors usually contribute to an acute high degree of creatinine or high uric acid.

If a high level of creatinine and a high level of acetic acid persists for a long time, it usually indicates kidney damage. Kidneys are important organs for filtering waste in the blood from the body and preserving our condition. Both creatinine and urea are small toxins that should be removed by the kidneys. Thus, with a high level of creatinine and a high uric acid, this usually indicates kidney damage.

Chinese therapy of a high level of creatinine and a high degree of acetic acid

As mentioned above, kidney disease is the main cause of high levels of creatinine and a high level of uric acid, so Chinese herbal medicine to restore kidney damage will help reduce the level of elevated levels of creatinine and a high degree of uric acid.

Here are some common herbs for this condition for your information. Herbs for damaging the kidneys include cinnamon stinging ginseng, hoshou, yin yang ho, nettle ulcer, burdock, coriander, lavage, fennel, gravel root, oregano, ginger, basil, caraway, caraway, rosemary, onion, angelica root, dill and parsley, etc.

Usually the herbal formula contains about 4-16 kinds of herbs. Herbal formula is based on your conditions. Even for the treatment of the same kidney disease, the recommended herbs may vary depending on personal conditions.

Micro-Chinese medicine is a natural remedy based on traditional Chinese medicine. It is a systemic external application that helps repair damaged kidney tissue and improve kidney function. You can send the analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Life expectancy of a patient with a kidney transplant

Life expectancy of a patient with a kidney transplant

Kidney transplantation is always seen as the best way to reverse the state of health in renal failure and kidney disease at the terminal stage. Speaking of a kidney transplant patient, it varies from person to person. However, optimizing excess health and thereby minimizing the factors that can worsen your kidney condition can help you improve life and improve liver life. Hong long can you live after a kidney transplant? This, in fact, depends on you.

This is also good if you want to start a direct consultation with our free online service that comes out of the bottom right corner of your screen.

What can affect the life expectancy after kidney transplantation?


Failure is the most important complication that can occur after transplantation, in which the immune system protects against attack from all foreign substances such as bacteria. This protection system can recognize the tissue transplanted from someone else as a stranger, and act to combat this foreign invader.

Failure plays an important role in affecting the life expectancy and quality of life of patients after kidney transplantation. To monitor the deviation, your doctor can prescribe antiretroviral drugs for you. Without good control, failure can cause more serious complications that can shorten your life expectancy more than failure.

In addition, the antiretroviral drugs that you choose are also important. The good news is that some certain drugs are proven, are effective, especially at an early stage of failure. If you have intrast, you can leave a message below the aisle to get a list of medications.


A small number of people who undergo kidney transplantation for certain kidney diseases can easily survive a relapse of kidney damage after kidney transplantation. Recurrence of kidney disease may be worse than the condition before kidney transplantation.

If you need more information, please leave a message below! We are here to help! My mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


Chinese herbs for a high level of creatinine

Chinese herbs for a high level of creatinine

Creatinine should be removed from the blood when the kidneys can work well. If creatinine accumulates in the body, it causes a high level of creatinine. Some Chinese herbs help to lower the levels of high creatinine naturally.

A high level of creatinine, if it lasts a long time, or we simply call it the level of High Creatinine, is a sign of a decrease in kidney function.

Kidneys are important organs for removing waste from the body. They filter blood and eliminate excess fluids and toxins from the blood, and also retain useful substances in the blood.

Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle activity. In the normal state, it is removed by the kidneys. So, if you want to find herbs for a high level of creatinine, you can consult your herbalist on herbs that help treat kidney damage.

Chinese herbs for kidney disease differ from person to person. Herbal formula can contain about 4-16 types of herbs. Usually, mixed herb treatments show a better effect than a single herb.

Here are some common herbs for kidney disease for your information.

Cinnamon: This is a good choice for kidney disease caused by diabetes, as it not only helps to restore kidney damage, but also lowers blood sugar levels.

Stinging ginseng: it works to improve kidney function and shows great effects in lowering the high level of creatinine naturally.

Yin Yang Ho: This herb is widely known as Horny Goatweed and helps improve a number of health conditions. It was found that it is useful against the lack of urination, which is manifested due to deficiencies in the kidneys.

These are just some common herbs for creatinine. There are several herbal lists for kidney disease and high levels of creatinine for different stages of chronic kidney disease. Leave your stage CKD below, and we are happy to share with you relative information. Leave a message on the below, or on the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, whatsapp +8613292893707.

What herbs are useful for kidney failure

What herbs are useful for kidney failure

In addition to treatment for kidney failure, patients may also wonder which herbs are useful. I hope the following introduction can be useful for your reference.

Herbs for kidney failure

1. Corn

Regular use of this herbal remedy can be useful, since chemical compounds in the grass can reduce the inflammation of the kidney tissues. In addition, it acts as a diuretic. Other herbs, such as taraxacum or veratrum, also have similar results.

2. Ginseng

This herbal supplement can help relieve the body of excessive cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. The recommended dosage depends on the variety you choose.

3. Morning grass

It takes effect to clear the urinary tract, increase the flow of urine, soothe the affected tissues, relieve the pain and inflammation. The recommended dose is 6-10 g / day.

4. Ginger

Grass ginger can help to clean the waste that accumulated in the kidney cells. It can also be used as an additional spice in food or taken inside as a tea.

5. Bearberry

This kind of herb helps in providing properties that help the nephrons function well, and also strengthen the passages in the urinary system.

Natural herbs can help in the treatment of kidney failure. Before taking any herbs, talk with your doctor to ensure safety and proper dosage. Or you can chat with our online doctor for more free tips, or mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707. Regards!


Ways to avoid inflation after kidney transplantation

Ways to avoid inflation after kidney transplantation

Kidney transplantation is the medical option for some cases with kidney failure. However, infection is a problem that affects a patient's life after a kidney transplant. Read on and find ways to avoid infections after kidney transplantation.


Since we all know that patients after kidney transplant need to use anti-negative drugs to avoid rejection of the transplant. However, these drugs will make the immune system weak, which increases the risk of infection after transplantation.

There are also some random factors that can also cause infection after kidney transplantation, including the gliding, influenza, diabetes, relapse of kidney disease, etc. If you have one of these conditions, you are encouraged to take action to prevent infections as soon as possible.

How to avoid infections after kidney transplantation?

Kidney transplantation helps to replace a diseased kidney and improve the patient's quality of life. However, infections can occur and repeat after treatment, which can lead to kidney damage, without good control.

- Different units of transplantation recommend different drug mixtures, but it is usually recommended to recommend cotrimoxazole to prevent PCP pneumonia.

- Prevent colds and flu. After kidney transplantation, especially in the first month, patients are encouraged to avoid infection of people with flu or cold. In addition, you can drink a certain herb to reduce the risk of developing infection or the flu.

- Vaccination is also recommended for the recipient to avoid infections after kidney transplantation. Discuss the benefits and possible risks of vaccination with your doctor before using it.

- Never hold urine. When you feel urination, immediately go to the bathroom.

- Wipe yourself from front to back, after you have movement in the bowl, which helps reduce the risk of bacteria spreading into the urethra.

If you have a question with the kidney, you can send the analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

Can I stop dialysis if I have reached the usual level of creatinine

Can I stop dialysis if I have reached the usual level of creatinine

Dialysis is usually used by people with kidney damage in which their kidneys can not work well enough to remove waste in the blood. Creatinine is a toxin of muscle metabolism, which also serves as a sign of kidney disease.

Can I stop dialysis if I have reached the usual level of creatine?

I'm afraid that the answer is negative. You can not make decisions only on the basis of creatinine levels. Read and find two main reasons.

- Even the level of creatinine is a very common indication for kidney disease, it is not a very smart and accurate medical indicator. Usually, when the level of creatinine rises, at least 50% of kidney function is absent. Thus, if your kidney damage remains mild, the creatinine level may remain at a normal level. Thus, a normal level of creatinine does not mean that your kidney's condition is in order. Therefore, this should not be the standard for you to stop dialysis. It only works as a guide for your doctor.

- A normal level of creatinine does not mean that other levels of waste are normal. Creatinine is a kind of small toxins. When your kidneys are damaged, up to 90 kinds of toxins can be present in your blood. Dialysis helps to remove small toxins, such as creatinines, AMC, etc. However, this therapy can not eliminate toxins of medium and large size. Thus, even dialysis helps to remove creatinine at a normal level, there is still the possibility that there are other toxins in the blood. Thus, you are invited to conduct a special test to measure toxins in the blood and decide whether to stop dialysis.

In China, there is a therapy of purifying toxins from the blood, this therapy is used by Chinese herbs to purify toxins, and has a good effect. If you have interest, you can send the analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, +8613292893707, or leave a message below. The doctor will contact you as soon as possible!


Will the throat infection increase the level of creatinine after kidney transplantation

Will the throat infection increase the level of creatinine after kidney transplantation

Question: "I am 24. I worked in 2008 on July 24, and so far I have no problems, but suddenly I have an infection in the throat and I take a certain antibiotic, and maybe because of this or for another reason My creatinine level rises to 340. Please help me in this to reduce it. "

A: Thank you for your inquiry. According to your story, I believe that your elevated creatinine level 340 may be caused by your throat infection. Why do I say that?

More than 95% of kidney diseases are the result of an immune disorder. In immune disease, the immune system can not remove the virus that affects our body. Thus, the virus mixes antibodies with the immune system and forms a mass called the "immune complex". The immune complex is toxic, which can cause various damages when it accumulates in the internal organs. When it is deposited in the kidneys, the tissues of the kidneys are damaged, and the kidney disease occurs gradually.

As bad immunity, any infection or cold can lead the virus to your body. And as soon as it is deposited in your body, the disordered immune system does not remove it and again causes damage to the kidneys. This can explain why your creatinine level rises after a throat infection.

From this point of view, kidney transplantation can not solve the underlying immune problem, even it has a big impact on kidney damage. Nevertheless, as long as there is a breakdown in the immune system, any infection or viral attack can cause you kidney damage. Thus, you are invited to first find a cure for your immune problem.

Immunotherapy is intended, in particular, for the problem of the immune system. This helps restore the immune system and use a new fight against the immune system against kidney disease. Thus, it shows a promising future for preventing the recurrence of kidney disease.

If you are interested in immunotherapy, you can leave a message below, we are happy to know if this is a good choice for your condition. Mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

Chinese herbs for kidney failure

Chinese herbs for kidney failure

Kidneys are very important organs for maintaining body health. When you are diagnosed with kidney failure, Chinese herbs can help show natural effects to alleviate symptoms and slow the progression of kidney function decline.

Ho Shou Wu

Ho Shou Wu gives a pulse of energy and has a powerful reproductive function. By providing the kidney with the necessary strength, it can also help to recover from gray hair, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and arterial sclerosis.


This natural herb has general health benefits for the body. It helps to stimulate blood circulation, increases stamina and helps to cope with stress. This helps to repair damaged damaged kidneys and improve kidney function in patients with kidney failure.

Kitchen Grass

The couch increases urine production and treats urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis. The couch sheds and even partially dissolves stones in the kidneys. It is also a good choice for patients with kidney disease.

Dan Shen

Dan Shen can help a person cope with the stress associated with kidney deficiency, which arises from problems with urination and sexual dysfunction.

Chinese herbs are used to tonify the kidney and provide it with strength. Restoring the kidney to a normal healthy state takes a certain amount of time even when using Chinese herbs.

Many Chinese herbs can treat kidney disease. If you want to try, be sure to find Chinese doctors to determine the treatment option. And if you yourself take herbs, it can be a great risk of life. In the Beijing Tong Shan Tang Hospital TCM, there is systematic therapy for the treatment of kidney disease. Many foreign patients

It should be noted that certain herbs with stimulating properties, such as black tea, ephedra and cola nut, should be avoided. For the list of excluded herbs, you can leave a message below, or send an analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707. And we are happy to reply you within 24 ~ 48 hours.


Kidney transplantation, neurogenic bladder, kidney failure

Kidney transplantation, neurogenic bladder, kidney failure

My 29-year-old brother was born with a neurogenic bladder 30 years ago, which leads to the fact that urine does not completely drain from the bladder. In this regard, his native kidney has lost functionally in full in 2000. Then he went to a kidney transplant operation next year.

Now he is often infected with a urinary infection. He recently had a severe infection, and he was in ICU for a week after so much fighting that he was recovering. The doctors asked him to stop all the medications of immunosuppressants, as this was a serious infection. Now he does not take any medicine. But again he got infected. Doctors say that his transplanted kidney also slowly loses its function. Can you help my brother? Thanks.

A: Like your brother's present condition, transplanted kidney damage and decreased function. Generally speaking, it can be difficult to cancel this condition, since it is strongly associated with a disorder of immunity.

For such a case, the Western method may not have any specific method. If you are interested, I now send you more information about the immunotherapy that we are taking in the treatment of kidney disease.

With regard to immunotherapy, this is a general guide to treatment and includes various types of therapy. Western medicines treat kidney diseases using blocking and replacement methods. For example, a doctor uses a steroid to block proteinuria, drugs to treat malignant tumors that block hypertension. When the renal function falls to the terminal stage, dialysis or a transplant is taken to replace the kidney function. The Western method can be considered as allopathy. Immunotherapy focuses on restoring the internal balance of the immune system to improve kidney repair and improve function.

Immunotherapy is designed for kidney disease, which is caused by a major immune disorder. This is a biological therapy that can help restore a new immune system and use a new immune system to fight kidney disease. It is a good choice for people with kidney diseases caused by immune disorder.

If you need more information, you can leave a message below.

Recommended fruits and avoidable fruits for a high level of creatinine

Recommended fruits and avoidable fruits for a high level of creatinine

Q: My daughter's creatinine is 540. He was raised for several months. Are there any recommended fruits and avoid high levels of creatinine?

A: Thank you for your inquiry, madam. A high level of creatinine is a sign of decreased kidney function. Thus, patients with a high level of creatinine are encouraged to consume fruits that help reduce the burden on the kidneys and avoid those that exacerbate kidney damage.

Recommended fruit

In people with a high level of creatinine, the kidney does not remove waste from the body. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid further damage. As a rule, people with a high level of creatinine are recommended to have small regular meals, engage in energy, increasing physical activity, and eating a diet low in calories. We offer fruits with a low content of protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus.

And the following are the general recommended fruits for patients with kidney disease.

- Apples, Red grapes, Cranberries, Blueberries, raspberries, Strawberries, Strawberries, Cherries

Avoid fruit

Helping the kidneys to control serum creatinine by using a sensible diet is an important part of management of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Caution about what is, can reduce the amount of fluid and waste formation, helping to minimize the symptoms and side effects of kidney problems.

The following fruits are offered to prevent their high content of sodium or phosphorus or potassium, etc.

- bananas, orange, mango, grape fruit, kiwi, melon, nectarines, apricots, papaya, prunes, raisins

- cantaloupe, fig, guava, melon, passion fruit, pear, persimmon, prunes

Is your daughter's favorite food good for your kidneys to reduce high levels of creatinine? If her choice of fruit is not mentioned above, you are encouraged to send by mail to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707 the specific answer.

If you have an interest in fruit for a high level of creatinine, you are encouraged to leave your information below and we are happy to offer you a personalized fruit list.

Surgical risks for chronic renal failure

Surgical risks for chronic renal failure

If you are a patient with chronic kidney failure, you can hear about surgery or test it. As a special group, they must carry many risks of surgery.

Therefore, it is extremely important for doctors to make a preoperative assessment and try to reduce mortality. The risks of surgery for patients with chronic renal failure are as follows:

During surgical procedures, patients with chronic renal insufficiency tend to develop acute renal failure. In general, the risk of acute renal failure in surgical patients is estimated at about 1%. There are also several factors that may increase the risk of developing acute kidney damage in general, including diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, peripheral vascular disease, type of surgery, such as emergency surgery, etc.

In addition, the presence of chronic renal failure increases morbidity and mortality rates for several different operations. For example, a low glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is an independent predictor of mortality after a coronary artery bypass surgery. The mortality of patients with chronic renal failure increases with decreasing GFR. Similar data comparing GFR with increased morbidity and mortality are also found among patients who receive other types of surgeries, such as facultative large-scale vascular surgery, aneurysm surgery of the endovascular aorta.

Therefore, it is very important that patients with chronic renal insufficiency communicate with their physicians before surgery on the history of the disease, complications of chronic kidney failure, etc. Thus, doctors can assess the risks of the operation and take preventive measures in advance.

The following recommendations are recommended to doctors.

- complications of chronic renal failure;

- risk of loss of renal function;

- confirmed diagnosis of the type of kidney disease;

- Residual renal function;

Only after doctors understand the painful conditions of patients with chronic renal insufficiency, will they be able to improve the success rate of the operation. If you need further assistance, you are advised to leave a message below or contact Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.


What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine and how to reduce

What are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine and how to reduce

Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism. A high level of creatinine can be the result of various factors, such as increased muscle mass, strenuous exercise, food abuse and affected kidneys. And what are the symptoms of a high level of creatinine?

A high level of creatinine, which is a sign of kidney disease, leads to various symptoms, disrupting the life of the sufferer. If you have a high level of creatinine, you may experience the following symptoms.

How to reduce the level of creatinine?

- finding the root cause. As mentioned above, a high level of creatinine can be caused by various causes. Finding the root cause is the first way to get the right management. If you are not sure about this reason, you are invited to talk with you about the recent experience with our online doctor. We are happy to help you find the cause.

- Follow the plan for your diet that suits you. High levels of creatinine can be caused by dietary problems. A controlled diet helps reduce the intake of foods that always increase the level of creatinine.

- prepare for treatment. If you experience a high level of creatinine for a while, this is called a temporary high level of creatinine. Usually this does not require treatment. However, if you are exposed to chronic high levels of creatinine, you run the risk of suffering from a underlying illness, such as kidney disease or blood disease.

- Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine can repair damaged kidney cells. Chinese medicine has been established for 5000 years in China, and many patients love Chinese medicine. This is a very wonderful therapy for the treatment of the disease.

When the level of creatinine increases very rapidly, dialysis is recommended. Otherwise, long-term levels of extremely high creatinine levels can cause dangerous problems related to your life.

Whether high levels of creatinine result from lifestyle changes or major serious illnesses, a series of tests are required. If you are interested, you can request a list of tests for a high level of creatinine by e-mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

Renal failure: the level of creatinine increases again after kidney transplantation

Renal failure: the level of creatinine increases again after kidney transplantation

A high level of creatinine is a common clinical symptom in patients with renal insufficiency. But, what causes an increase in the level of creatinine after a kidney transplant?

And in most cases of renal failure, the level of creatinine gradually increased four to six years after kidney transplantation. Most of them now face dialysis or other kidney transplants.

This is unpleasant, when communication with these people, to block the aggravation of the transplanted kidney is even more difficult. How I would like them to pay enough attention to the increase in the level of creatinine. The degree of recovery of kidney function is closely related to the existing general kidney function in the patient. And it is for this reason that we always encourage early treatment of patients.

Generally speaking, routine procedures that you take before the first kidney transplantation only slow down the rate of exacerbation, but do not block it. At the moment, there are three types of functional cells in your transplanted kidneys. First, these are necrotic cells, of which no method can save them. Secondly, these are healthy once, which does not require special treatment, except to protect against external damage. Thirdly, these are damaged, but still reversible cells, of which proper treatment can not only protect them from aggravation to necrotic, but also create an excellent environment for self-healing of these cells.

The treatment I'm talking about is osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine. Osmoterapiya micro-Chinese medicine has curative effects, such as stimulating blood circulation and removing external pressure of the kidneys. And this therapy is mainly aimed at protecting the general function of the kidneys.

Until the level of creatinine increases, the total kidney function has already decreased by more than 50%. And your kidney function will go down. When Chinese herbal medicine helps repair damage to kidney tissue and improves kidney function, creatinine will be removed spontaneously by the kidneys. My mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp: +8613292893707.

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