
The treatment of shrinking kidneys

Shrunken kidney mostly is the final result of progressive kidney damages and together with decrease kidney function, they build on each other, that is to say shrunken kidney is closely related with kidney damages. Shrunken kidney affect us by threatening our life, so finding a natural remedy to treat kidney is very important.

Kidney shrinking causes

Nephrons are the basic functional units of the kidneys and each kidney contains about a million nephrons.They are the major part helping the kidneys realize the above functions.However, if the nephrons are damaged,the kidneys will not be able to work normally, resulting in kidney shrinking. Kidney shrinking often occurs among people who have a long history of kidney problem.The causes are as follows:

* Damage to renal parenchymal area where the filtering units are located.

* Reflux nephropathy.

* Blood clot block renal artery and inadequate blood supply to kidneys.

*Renal ischemia occurs when inadequate blood circulate in kidneys. Less oxygen supply can cause the necrosis of kidney tissues, leading to kidney shrinking.

Shrinking kidney treatment

Within shrinking kidney, some kidney functioning cells are damaged and some are necrotic. In this condition, the blood pollution therapy is created to repair patients’ damaged kidneys. This brand new therapy, compared with previous treatment options, focuses on not only purifying blood completely but also prompting kidney’s self-repair.

With different blood purification methods, wastes and toxins, both in the blood vessels and adhering to vascular walls, can be eliminated from the body completely. This step can provide a good basis for the following treatment.

These are all of the content for renal atrophy, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click on the plate for a free online medical consultation, you can put your case after finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com here, we will get back to you some professional guidance.

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