
What can PKD Patients Do with GFR 29 and Creatinine 217

"I have PKD. My last blood test showed that my creatinine is 217 and GFR is 29. The largest cyst in my kidney is 7cm. I only take medicine now. What's your suggestion of treatment?"

According to your description, your disease can still be controlled and your kidney function can be improved as long as we adopt measures to eliminate the root cause of PKD.

As you know, the disease is caused by excess proliferation of renal tubular epithelial lining cells. Then the renal tubule was blocked, so the fluid in tubule cannot be discharged. Eventually, with the build up the fluid, renal cyst appears.

Currently, treatment of changing the gene is not yet available. But there is a way to stop the hyperplasia of epithelial lining cells. Then, cysts can be shrank and well treated. PKD will not further affect the kidney function and the progression to kidney failure can be prevented.

As you said your GFR is 29 and creatinine is 217, we suggest you to take a comprehensive treatment as early as possible to shrink the cyst, protect kidney and improve the renal function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just such a kind of natural remedy, and you can consult our online doctor for more information if you are interested to know the details.

The biggest cyst in your kidney is already 7cm, and it is necessary to avoid the rupture of the cysts. The following are some useful suggestions for your reference.

1. Do not life too heavy objects. When you bend down, be careful. Avoid twist your waist violently.

2. Limit the intake of salty foods (such as preserved food, pickles, tinned meat), spicy foods (hot pepper, shrimp, crab, etc), high protein food from animal and oily food, etc.

3. Have a good rest and do not be too tired.

4. Quit smoking or drinking.

Is there still any questions about your disease? Feel free to send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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