
A patient with lupus nephritis should pay attention to high blood pressure

A patient with lupus nephritis should pay attention to high blood pressure

High blood pressure is closely related to lupus nephritis, because as soon as the disease attacks, his or her kidneys are already damaged. Damaged kidneys often lead to increased blood pressure from these two aspects.

As soon as the blood pressure rises, the internal pressure of the glomeruli also rises. High blood pressure causes glomeruli to function even more severely than usual, which will lead to fatigue and, ultimately, lead to damage. In addition, hypertension constitutes ischemia and anoxia of the kidneys, all these factors contribute to kidney damage.

Hypertension exists when lupus erythematosus is formed for a long time. Its clinical characteristics can be:

The incidence of high blood pressure gradually increases with duration. Take this, for example, only 30.5% of patients with lupus nephritis suffer from an increase in blood pressure within 3 years after their onset, but more than 46% of patients are complicated by hypertension when their course of the disease exceeds 5 years.

Worse, if the patient develops lupus nephritis and has a family history of high blood pressure, he is more prone to increased arterial pressure than the patient.

The degree of their proteinuria is also closely related to the frequency of occurrence of high blood pressure.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, you need to take the right treatment in a timely manner, like Chinese medicine, otherwise you can lose control and switch to kidney failure with fast speed, then you will have to undergo dialysis or kidney transplant.

If you want to know what treatment is effective for the treatment of excess blood pressure, you can send us a letter to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Votsap +8613292893707 or leave a message below, we will try to help you.

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