
Creatinine 12: The best treatment to reduce it

Creatinine 12: The best treatment to reduce it

Serum creatinine levels are often regarded as a serious sign for patients with kidney disease, and an elevated level of creatinine in the blood that means the kidneys have been severely damaged with less than 50% renal left function. The level of creatinine 12 is very high, so patients need to take quick and effective treatment to lower its creatinine level. Good treatment to reduce it.

First: if you want to get good treatment, you need to know what is the main cause of the level of creatinine 12.

As you know, the kidneys have the function of filtering blood and removing toxins and wastes out into the urine. Creatinine is a by-product of muscle metabolism, and it is mostly excreted by the kidneys. The normal level of serum creatinine is 0.5-1.3 mg / dl. When the kidneys are damaged much less than 50% of the kidney function on the left. The kidney will not out effectively remove toxins and wastes, it will cause an increase in the level of creatinine. Creatinine 12 is significantly higher than the normal level, and patients should take early and effective treatment to lower it.

Second, the level of creatinine 12: good treatment to reduce it.

From above, we can know that a high level of creatinine 12 is mainly caused by damaged kidney tissues and low kidney function. Therefore, a good treatment should be aimed at restoring damaged kidney tissue and improving kidney function.

Here we offer osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine in our hospital, Shijiazhuangney kidney hospital disease, which is an external and herbal base of treatment. Thus, it is more natural and does not cause any side effects for patients.

If you want to know more about good treatment for reducing creatinine 12, you can contact our online doctor directly for free help. Or you can send an e-mail to Asya.yue@mail.ru, we will give you more help.

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