
How to reduce creatinine 460 and restore anemia in CKD

How to reduce creatinine 460 and restore anemia in CKD

Creatinine 460 usually means a moderate decrease in kidney function in CKD, which will cause many physical problems, one of them is anemia. In patients with severe pain, high creatinine and anemia prompt patients to know the cause and treatment.

Creatinine 460 is associated with low GFR, and anemia is caused by a decrease in erythropoietin, which is mainly produced by the kidney, so patients who want to lower creatinine and redirect anemia try their best to change kidney function. The key to treatment is the purification of toxins in the blood to reduce the burden on the kidneys and increase the perfusion of blood in the kidneys to improve GFR. Traditional Chinese medicine is a special treatment in our hospital for patients with CKD, in particular, therapy includes:

1. Steam therapy: active substances in medicine enter the body with steam through expended pores at certain points of acupuncture, working to increase blood circulation. At the work of therapy, patients sweat a lot, which is also a way of detoxification.

2. The Chinese circle: the medicine is smeared on the back, after a series of massages along certain acupuncture points, the medicine can pull out toxins in the blood.

3. Oral decoction: the medicine can absorb toxins, and then break them and finally activate the phagocyte to inflate the broken substances, cleanse the toxins in the blood.

4. Osmoterapiya micro-Chinese medicine: active substances in medicine have the functions of flowing blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing and degrading additional cellular matrices.

5. Acupuncture: By stimulating acupuncture with needles, the associated cells and nerves will isolate some elements and give answers to support normal functioning.

When the blood in the body and flows into the kidney is smooth and clean, the symptoms caused by insufficient blood, oxygen and high toxins can be sent and kidney damage can also be blocked. And now, if you want to learn more about how to reduce creatinine 460 and survive anemia in CKD, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, we will reply you within 24 hours.

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