
Kidney cysts affect the blood pressure

Kidney cysts affect the blood pressure

Is there a connection between kidney cysts and high blood pressure? If you are a patient with kidney cysts or you have such a patient, the following information is expected to be very helpful.

Up to 50% of people over 50 years old have kidney cysts. These kidney cysts are almost always benign. Usually cysts do not cause any problems. Simple kidney cysts have been associated with high blood pressure, but it is unclear what relationship between them. However, some people have kidney cysts caused by polycystic kidney disease, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and other symptoms, such as back and side pain, blood in the urine or frequent kidney infections. Not all people who have polycystic kidney disease will have these symptoms.

One of the causes of high blood pressure in patients with kidney cysts caused by polycystic kidney disease is impaired renal function. As we all know, the kidneys have a function of regulating blood pressure by secretion of certain certain hormones. Once the kidney function is broken, high blood pressure may appear. In fact, high blood pressure is a common complication of polycystic kidney and other kidney diseases. An increase in cysts can depress the surrounding kidney tissue, and then makes the kidneys ischemic and anoxic, the kidney function is likely to be compromised. Some data show that about half of patients with polycystic kidney disease will develop renal disease of the terminal stage before the age of 70 years. Thus, high blood pressure is usually observed in patients with polycystic kidney disease with the development of the condition.

Lifestyle changes and various medications can reduce high blood pressure, but this is not enough. Most importantly, to help patients with kidney cysts naturally contract these cysts and then restore the kidney function, in this case the high blood pressure caused by impaired renal function will be eliminated from the root. Meanwhile, renal failure and dialysis can be effectively prevented.

Therefore, if you want to learn some natural ways to treat high blood pressure in the kidney cysts, you can tell us by sending us an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, or leave a message below, we are here to to help.

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