
How Long Can Patients Live with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

How long can people live with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)? As for this question, there exists no exact answer because the life expectancy varies from case to case. However, what you do can predict your life expectancy? Your therapy and your time when receiving treatment, as well as your daily activity can affect your life span.

What treatment you adopt is the main reference for your survival time. What really matters is its focus points—just eliminating visible symptoms by shrinking the cysts.

You can get the answer why you suffer from such back pain, hematuria or proteinuria, from you doctor. He or she will attribute all symptoms to the continuous growth of the cysts. Therefore, as long as you choose proper treatment to shrink the cysts, you are following the right direction for prolonging your life expectancy. Besides, if you can get some natural therapies, such as Chinese Herbal Medicine, your life expectany can be prolonged naturally.

At the very start, the cysts are very small, which do not pose any symptoms. You may feel no or mild discomforts, which blinds your eyes to see a doctor. That’s one important factor to induce poor prognosis and shorten you life expectancy. For the reason that, the delay of treatment may miss the best time in achieving best curative effects and even cause severe complications, such as renal failure and even ESRD.

Besides regular treatment, daily action reflects how long can you live with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Survey shows patients who keep a special diet and proper exercise live fairly longer than those who fail to do so. However, the physical activities should be mild for fear of the burst of kidney cysts.

You can consult our online service, and our medical staff can give you specific advice.

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