
Is That OK for PKD patients to Drink Coffee

Coffee is the favorite of many people and they can not pass a day without coffee. It seems cozy to drink a cup of coffee, chatting with close friends, in the afternoon. While is it OK for patients with PKD to drink coffee? The answer is definitely not.

Coffee can elevate high blood pressure and high blood pressure will aggravate illness condition of PKD.

Caffeinine, the main ingredient of coffee, can rise our blood pressure and make people excited. Kidneys are filled with numerous tiny blood vessels and if the blood pressure is high, the vessels are very easy to become hardened, which will lead to atherosclerosis. If no proper treatment is received, these damages will progress into glomerulosclerosis, renal interstitial fibrosis and uremia.

Coffee can trigger diuresis, resulting in bone loss (Osteoporosis)

Tannic acid in coffee can lower the absorption of calcium and ferrum, which can lead to osteoporosis. This is worse for patients with PKD. Additionally, coffee can stimulate the secretion of epinephrine which can be an inducing agent for kidney failure.

In fact, it is better not to drink too much coffee even for healthy people. It is a risk factor for ulcer in the digestive tract and lead to weight gain. Children can have a bad memory because the caffeine can irritate the nerve system.

So PKD patients had better get rid of coffee for the sake of your health. If you want to know more about Polycystic Kidney Disease, you are welcome to consult our online service to know more.

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