
What Should Patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) Avoid

Polyhcystic Kidney Disease, as a hereditary disease, is a condition that the kidneys are filled with numerous cysts in different sizes. Both timely treatment and dietary principles are crucial to delay the illness condition from going into Kidney Failure. If it develops into End Stage Renal Disease, patients have to undergo dialysis and when the kidney function is lost completely, kidney transplant may be recommended by your doctors.

You can get some knowledge about the foods or things which patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should avoid from this article.

1. Too much fat

Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should avoid fat, because too much fat can workload the kidneys. However, patients have to consume adequate lean meat to guarantee the protein intake.

2. Too much salt

All patients with kidney disease should stick to the low salt diet. Because too much salt intake can break the balance of acid base and also salt will retain water and fluid in the cysts.

3. Pasteurized foods

Anything after pasteurized is not suggested for PKD patients.

4. Alcohol

Some doctors might say alcohol is not always bad for the kidneys. However, alcohol can raise blood pressure, which will accelerate the deterioration of kidney damage.

5. Cigarettes

It is bad for PKD patients to smoke cigarettes.

6. Coffee and chocolate

If you avoid eating the above things or doing the above things, you can also not recover from PKD. What you should do is to receive proper treatment to control the cysts growing.

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