
Tips for the Daily Life of PKD Patients

Many people know that Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a type of autosomal inherited disease, most of which will be found until adult age with increasing cystic fluid and growing numbers of cysts. Sensitive patients will have a stiff feeling on their waists, and pain will be felt after cysts being infected. Cysts will grow bigger after this disease started. If the patients do not watch their diet carefully, the disease will get worse. But the disease can’t be cured completely by adjusting diet only. The best way is to treat this disease at its early stage, control its development and narrow the size of cysts before it get worse.

Patients should keep a positive attitude and a strong confidence in fighting against the disease. PKD is the result of an interaction of congenital factors and acquired elements. Scientific research finds that all these factors can be changed or controlled. So patients needn't to feel despaired. What's more, keeping a positive emotion can improve one's immunity which is beneficial to help patients triumph over illness. On the other hand, patients can’t take the disease lightly. Instead, patients should have a positive response to the treatment. Being positive but dealing with it seriously is the basic principle.

As for diet, patients should avoid food with more salt and pungency, as well as polluted food and grilled food. The patients who suffer from Renal Insufficiency or Uremia should avoid beans and bean products and have a limitation on high animal protein products and greasy foods.

Be sure to have enough rest and avoid strenuous exercise and abdominal trauma. Paying more attention to prevent infection, especially urinary tract infection and cysts infection is needed. High blood pressure should also be controlled in order to avoid Renal Insufficiency.

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