
Case Analysis of Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease

Patient: Chen Linzhi

Gender: Female

Age: 38

Province: Shanxi Province

Diagnosis: Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease

Symptoms before she went to our hospital: patients have unknown pain on waist five years ago, and she didn’t pay attention on this symptom. Later, pain become worsening and painful feeling did not relieve effectively after simple treatment. In December, 2003, patient got a sudden serious pain on waist due to excessive tiredness, and then Haematuria appeared. Though Type-B Ultrasonic examination, liquid shadow with various sizes can be found in bilateral kidneys. Serum creatinine is 899umol/L. patient was diagnosed as Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease. Patient found the information of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital through website, and she came to our hospital for treatment later.

Treatment and Effect: after 10-day Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment, patient’s renal ability of excreting toxin increased, and serum creatinine became 870umol0/L.

Patient brought medicine home for consolidating treatment.

Secondary check after one month: serum creatinine 835umol/L. through Type-B Ultrasonic examination, bilateral cysts became smaller. Presently, symptoms of pain on waist and Haematuria disappear. Patient’s illness condition is steady and recovered gradually.

Expert Comment: Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of disease with hereditary feature, developing with age. Traditional surgical operation can only remove big cysts, which will leave more space for small cysts to grow. These small cysts can grow more rapidly without pressure from big cysts. Finally, they can damage kidney for a second time. Therefore, renal injury will be aggravated further.
Micro-Chinese Medicine can treat PKD without surgical operation. This treatment can improve blood circulation on cyst wall and recycle cyst internal fluid, which can reduce cyst size. Through this way, it can relieve cystic pressure on surrounding healthy renal tissue and repair renal function. Then symptoms of pain on waist and Haematuria disappear.


Urinary Tract Infection of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Urinary tract infection which includes cystitis, nephropyelitis, cyst infection and perinephric abscess is a common complication of PKD patients. About 20% patients get urinary tract infection as first symptom among clinical symptoms, and 50% t0 70% patients have urinary tract infection at least one time during their life, especially for female patients. It has been observed in the past that one third PKD patients who accept chronic dialysis have the symptom of urinary tract infection. Though antibiotic is taken to deal with infection, which can delay illness development, patients still can get perinephric abscess, or even sometimes patients may die. There are some difficulties in treat Polycystic Kidney Disease, especially in the aspects of preventing and treating urinary tract infection.

Patients who suffer from PKD, complicated with cystitis, are mainly expressed by urgent urination, Odynuria and pain on pubis arch area. If infection has involved upper urinary tract, patients may have continuous high fever and waist pain. Clinically, it is some difficult to distinguish nephropyelitis from cyst infection. It is beneficial to diagnose nephropyelitis if urine culture shows positive with increasing blood leukocyte number and quick response to anti-infection treatment. While positive blood culture and pressing pain always refers to cyst infection.

When patients suspect themselves of urinary tract infection, they should accept an imaging examination. Abdominal plain film can show the position, size and numbers of urinary system stones as well as perinephric abscess. CT examination has a better sensitivity of testing perinephric abscess. As for PKD patients suffering from urinary tract infection, equipment inspection can increase the possibility of patients getting blood poisoning. For this reason, Retrograde Pyelography should be avoided.

Choosing effective antibiotics is the key of treating this disease successfully. As for patients who suffer from recurrent urinary tract infection, antibiotics are helpful to prevent infection. If equipment inspection on urinary tract is inevitable, patients should take proper antibiotic to prevent infection in 24 hours before or after treatment.


Some Questions of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Ⅰ.How does PKD treatment develop?

The reason why Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have higher serum creatinine is that patients’ cysts growing bigger gradually, which canl damage renal inherent cells, start the process of renal fibrosis and aggravate inherent cells injury furthrt. Damaged inherent cells can shrink blood vessel, which can cause High Blood Pressure. Because epithelial cells in inherent cells get damaged, they can’t prevent blood protein leakage,and then Albuminuria occurs. When inherent cells are so injured that they can not excrete more toxins, serum creatinine increases.

Ⅱ.What is the key point of causing Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Inherent cells injury caused by renal fibrosis is the real cause of Polycystic Kidney Disease. High Blood Pressure, Proteinuria, Blood Urine caused by inherent cells injury are symptoms of this disease. If patients want to cure High Blood Pressure, Proteinuria, Blood Urine, they need to cure real cause of this disease firstly.

No matter what kinds of therapeutic methods are taken, real cause of Polycystic Kidney Disease should be treated firstly. Treating disease must block Renal Fibrosis which can damage renal inherent cells. As long as the process of renal fibrosis is blocked and damaged inherent cells get repaired, symptoms of Albuminuria and Haematuria can disappear and cysts can be shrunk gradually.

The reason why disease continues for a long term is that effective treatment is not taken to block Renal Fibrosis.So the real reason why disease can’t be cured is that medicine can’t prevent the renal fibrosis from damaging renal inherent cells.

Ⅲ.How to treat Polycystic Kidney effectively?

Firstly, illness condition caused by renal inherent cells injury should be controlled firstly.

Secondly, taking proper treatment to reduce cyst fluid can relieve further pressure on renal inherent cells. Then function of inherent cells can be recovered gradually.

Thirdly, repair injured inherent cells, supply requested substances for cell recover and activate the kidney self-repair function.


Symptoms Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease

Most PKD patients do not have clinical symptoms in the early stage. While in end stage, due to cysts as well as increasing cyst internal pressure and infections, most patients can get the following symptoms:

1. Albuminuria: generally, protein content in urine is tiny, no more than 2g each 24 hours. Nephrotic Syndrome seldom occurs.

2. Abdominal masses: this is also the main reason why patients do to hospital for a check. Enlarged kidneys can be touched among 60% to 80% PKD patients. Normally, the larger kidneys are, the lower renal function is.

3. High Blood Pressure: cysts compress kidneys, which can lead to renal ischemia and increase renin secretion, causing High Blood Pressure. When renal function is normal, more than 50% patients can get High Blood Pressure. This number can be much higher when renal function declines.

4. Haematuria: this symptoms can be expressed by microscopic Haematuria and gross Haematuria, occurs periodically. Patients usually feel really painful when Haematuria appears, and this pain can be more serious after strenuous exercise, trauma and infection. There are a large amount of arteries under cyst wall. Due to growing pressure or complicated infection, blood vessel of cyst wall can bleed for excessive tensility.

5. Renal function decline: growing cysts will replace and compress normal renal tissue, which can reduce healthy renal tissue obviously, causing progressive decline of renal function.

6. Pain or discomfort on waist and abdomen: kidney enlargement can increase tensility of renal capsule. Besides, more cysts in kidneys can increase water content of kidneys, which can make kidney heavier, leading waist pain.


Can Season Affect PKD Illness Condition

In spring, everything has a new life, and this is a season favorable for Kidney Disease patients’ recovery. But there is too much wind in spring, which is easy to cause wind-pathogen. In hot summer, patients are easy to be injured by fire-pathogen. Besides, it is hot and wet in summer and heat or dampness can also damage human body. Autumn is really dry, so patients should care about dryness which can damage Yin of lung and kidney. Winter is cold, which can make Kidney Disease patients get Yang injury easily.

From clinical viewpoint, the hottest and coldest seasons are both unfavorable for patients’ illness condition. Hot weather is easy to cause various infections like urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal tract infection and upper respiratory tract infection and so on, all of which can speed up the development of PKD illness condition directly or indirectly. PKD patients, especially patients in third or fourth stage, usually have much lower immunity. They are easy to catch a cold, which can not only worsen PKD illness condition, but also affect blood pressure condition.

Specialists on Kidney Disease note that: as for PKD patients, the best treating timings are spring and autumn, which can reduce disadvantages existing in summer and winter.

Besides, infectious disease may occur in each season, so PKD patients should pay more attention in order to prevent infections and colds and so on. This can decrease the chance of damaging kidney.

The key of treating PKD is to block Renal Fibrosis, repair injured renal inherent cells and protect remained renal function. Micro-Chinese Medicine is suggested to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease. It has been improved by clinical practices that this treatment has a good effect on treating PKD and this treatment can treat PKD by blocking Renal Fibrosis, prolonging patients’ life greatly.


How to Diagnose Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of familial hereditary disease. Sometimes, each family member has this disease. Early diagnosis is very important to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease which always occurs with symptoms of Haematuria, High Blood Pressure and abdominal masses, etc. But only through these symptoms, we can not get an exact diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Instead, exact diagnosis should be made after normal examinations.

Ⅰ. Laboratory Examination:

Firstly, routine urine test: no abnormality can be found in early stage and microscopic Haematuria can be found in middle and late stages. Some patients may get Albuminuria, and White Blood Cells and pyocyte can be found if there is stone or infection at the same time.

Secondly, urine osmotic pressure declines in the early stage, which may be caused by less renal sensitivity of diuretic. With renal function aggravation, renal concentrating function is damaged and osmotic pressure declines further.

Thirdly, serum creatinine and urea nitrogen increases with worsening Renal Insufficiency and Renal Failure.

Ⅱ. Imaging Examination:

Firstly, CT examination has a correct rate of more than 90% on Polycystic Kidney Disease diagnosis. Through CT examination, cysts can be seen with obvious boundary to renal parenchyma and bilateral kidneys change their normal shape. Besides, complicated cysts in liver and spleen can also be found by CT examination.

Secondly, MRI is beneficial to define cyst fluid composition. When cyst internal bleeding happens, hemoglobin can be degraded and ferrous iron reduces to ferric iron which has paramagnetic characteristic, leading to abnormal signal.

Thirdly, X-Ray abdominal plain film shows enlarged kidney shape. IVP test is expressed by renal pelvis and renal calices malformation in strange spiderlike shape.

Fourthly, Type-B Ultrasonic examination is the first choice to diagnose Polycystic Kidney Disease presently. Through Type-B Ultrasonic, typical expression of cysts is no echo areas with various sizes in bilateral kidneys. Cyst wall is not clear, but with strong echo. Cysts are in round or oval shape. Complex masses can be found through Type-B Ultrasonic examination if this disease is complicated with cyst internal bleeding, stone and calcification, etc.

When Polycystic Kidney Disease develops into some certain degree, it is not difficult to make a clinical diagnosis based on irregular bilateral kidneys enlargement, various sizes of cysts in bilateral kidneys through Type-B Ultrasonic examination, CT and other imaging examinations, as well as patients family history.

Once patients are diagnosed as Polycystic Kidney Disease, they should accept treatment actively in order to delay illness condition developing and prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Renal Failure and Uremia.


Process of Polycystic Kidney Disease Developing into Uremia

It is a slow developing process from Polycystic Kidney Disease to Uremia. Growing and increasing cysts are root cause of leading to Uremia. In the early stage, there are very few cysts in kidney, and cyst number increases with illness development. Finally, healthy kidney can be filled with massive cysts, resulting in High Blood Pressure and renal functional abnormality. Then Uremia occurs naturally.

There are five stages in the process of Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Uremia:

StageⅠ. Polycystic Kidney Disease Occurring Stage:

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease. Patients were born with smaller cysts which are difficult to be found. Generally, this disease can not be found before patients are 20 years old. If there is Polycystic Kidney Disease patient in one family, other family members should go to hospital for a check as early as possible in order to observe cysts growing condition in time. Besides, patients should care more about their daily life in this stage.

Stage Ⅱ. Growing Stage:

When patients are in the age range of 30 to 40 years old, cysts grow faster than the first stage. In this stage, close observation is necessary. Western Medicine has no effective way to treat this disease and holds the opinion that there is no need to treat the disease in this stage. Actually, patients still need active treatment in this stage with the purpose to stop or delay cysts growing through applying Chinese Medicine with strong function of activating blood and eliminating blood stasis. Through this way, patients’ life can be prolonged greatly. In a sense, this stage is the key stage for Micro-Chinese Medicine to delay cysts growth.

Stage Ⅲ. Cyst Swollen Stage:

After patients are 40 years old, cysts can have a further growth and enlargement. With cysts growing, more clinical symptoms, like waist pain, Albuminuria, Haematuria, High Blood Pressure, appear. As for treatment, this stage is a very important stage for the treatment of Chinese Medicine combined with Western Medicine to play its role in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Stage Ⅳ. Cyst Rupture Stage:

If cysts grow continuously, cyst rupture happens under the action of some external factors. Once cyst rupture happens, patients should be sent to hospital for treatment as soon as possible in order to control infection, prevent Hematosepsis and acute renal function aggravation, which is beneficial to solve other symptoms.

StageⅤ. Uremia Stage:

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease, which means that normal renal tissue is replaced by cysts with fluid inside. When these cysts grow bigger, they will lead to kidney functional abnormality, causing difficulty for kidney to play its normal role in excreting metabolism waste. With illness condition development, renal function is so damaged and Uremia happens. As for treatment of Uremia, the key is to block Renal Fibrosis.

From the above, we can see that it is a very slow process of Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Uremia. Though Polycystic Kidney Disease can not be eliminate from its root, it can be controlled effectively if proper treatment can be taken to block Renal Fibrosis, which is helpful to prevent PKD developing into Uremia.


Effect on Blocking Renal Fibrosis by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Talking about effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine on treating kinds of Kidney Diseases, both short-term effects and long-term effects should be considered.

Ⅰ. Short-term Clinical effects: Micro-Chinese Medicine plays its role in blocking Renal Fibrosis from four aspects: dilating blood vessel, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degrading Extracellular Matrix (ECM). Generally, three clinical manifestations can be observed in short term.

Firstly, once injured renal arteries at all levels are dilated, with the cooperation of other functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, such as anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing thrombus and degradation, a series of short-term clinical manifestations appear. Patients have more urine amount with deepening colour and heavy smell. Patients’ urine become turbid and floccule like material can be found in urine, which is a show of gradually recovered renal ability of excreting toxin and more urine creatinine being excreted out of body.

Secondly, improved whole body microcirculation can promote whole body blood circulation and reduce the condition of renal ischemia and anoxia as well as poisoning symptoms. Under such circumstances, whole body tiredness and skin itch can be relieved. Patients begin to sweat and patients’ feeling of minding cold weather will reduce or disappear. Besides, due to improved circulation condition, patients will have a ruddy appearance of their hands and face. What's more, long-term High Blood Pressure will be reduced to healthy normal gradually.

Thirdly, after the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, mucosa edema of gastrointestinal tract disappears gradually, which can improve local microcirculation and increase digestive juice secretion. For this reason, patients can have an increased appetite and symptoms of nausea and vomiting disappear, with lessening nitrogen smell in mouth.

Ⅱ. Long-term effect:

Firstly, Albuminuria disappearance is one of the long-term effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine in blocking Renal Fibrosis. Through effective repair of injured renal inherent cells, especially remained epithelial cells of glomerulus, glomerular selective filtrating function can also be recovered. Once selective filtrating function recovers, glomerular function of preventing protein leakage can return. But the process of repairing epithelial cells of glomerular is a long course with certain objective regulation, so Albuminuria disappearance belongs to the long-term effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in blocking Renal Fibrosis.

Secondly, Haematuria disappearance is also one of long-term effects. Aiming at treating Haematuria, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also starts with blocking Renal Fibrosis, and then recovers injured renal inherent cells as well as activates metabolic function and selective filtrating function of inherent cells. Only after effective repair of barrier function, kinds of inherent cells can get their function of preventing Rend Blood Cells leakage back. Then Haematuria disappears.

Thirdly, reduced serum creatinine is one of long-term effects. Due to inherent cells injury, their function of excreting toxin is also damaged. Excessive metabolic wastes like creatinine, urea nitrogen and uric acid can not be excreted out of human body in time, which causes serum creatinine increase in body.

There is still one point should be noted that no matter what treatment patients choose, the repairing course is some long. During this course, patients should have a healthy mentality and cooperate with doctors actively as well as be cautious about any inducement that can speed up illness development.


Case Analysis of Polycystic Kidney Disease in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Patient: Li Yushan, 45 years old, Hebei Province

Diagnosed: Polycystic Kidney Disease

When patients came to our hospital: he had really bad appetite, mental condition and sleep quality. He also had distending pain on his bilateral kidney region. Patient did not suffer from Edema, but swelling block can be seen on abdominal region when patient is lying flat, and two swelling masses can be touched on bilateral sides of abdomen with unsmooth surface. Pressing pain can be felt.
Test result when patient came to our hospital: Blood Pressure, 170/100mmHg; Heart Rate: 80/min; hemachrome, 10g.

Through Type-B Ultrasonic examination: left kidney, 20.0×10.0×8.0cm; right kidney, 22.0×12.0×8.0cm; largest cyst in left kidney, 5.0×4.5cm, largest cyst in right kidney, 5.6×4.8cm.

Through ECT examination: multiple diffusing damage on bilateral kidney; low blood perfusion of bilateral kidney; decreased glomerular filtrating rate of bilateral kidney, left kidney, 32ml/min, right kidney 30ml/min; slow excretion of bilateral upper urinary tract.

Treatment: according to patient’s illness condition, doctors give him Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. After treatment, patient has an improved mental condition, appetite and sleep quality. Distending pain disappears gradually.

Test result after treatment: Blood Pressure: 130/80mmHg, no hypotensor was taken; hemachrome, 12g; Serum creatinine, 98μmol/L; blood urea nitrogen, 6.8mmol/L; blood uric acid, 402.0μmol/L; Blood potassium, 4.48mmol/L.

Through Type-B Ultrasonic examination: left kidney, 15.0×5.0×4.0cm; right kidney, 16.0×7.0×4.0cm; largest cyst in left cyst, 2.0×2.0cm; largest cyst in right kidney, 2.6×2.0cm.

Through ECT examination: filtrating rate of left kidney, 58ml/min; filtrating rate of right kidney, 52ml/min; bilateral upper urinary tract is smoothly.

How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Aggravation

Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should accept effective treatment actively in order to prevent illness condition aggravating. But only medicinal treatment is not enough. In daily life, patients should prevent cold and infection actively with the purpose of preventing Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Renal Failure and Uremia. Generally, Polycystic Kidney Disease patients can start with the following aspects.

Firstly, preventing cold: Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of whole life hereditary disease. No matter how much care family members give to patients, the fact that cysts keep growing can not be changed. If patients catch colds in this period, their renal injury will be worsened, which can speed up the developing of renal function injury.

Secondly, prevent trauma: with cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease growing, these cysts can increase cyst internal pressure continuously, enlarging patients’ bilateral kidneys. At this moment, any tiny trauma like sprain, injury or fall wound may increase abdomen internal pressure or these trauma may act on cysts directly, which may cause cyst rupture and bleeding, inducing infection easily.

Thirdly, control blood pressure: most PKD patients get Hypertension before renal function is damaged. Hypertension can speed up renal injury. Besides, Hypertension can also damage heart blood vessel and cerebral blood vessel, causing encephalic dngioma and other complications. For this reason, controlling blood pressure effectively has a significant role in delaying renal function aggravation and preventing complications.

Fourthly, scientific diet: proper daily diet is very important to control renal function aggravation. Diet with low salt, 2 to 3g per day, is suitable. Patients should eat less food with potassium, phosphor and low protein and low fat. Foods with more vegetable coarse fiber should be taken more.

The key of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease is to block Renal Fibrosis, repair injured renal inherent cells and control cyst growing, which can prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Renal Failure and Uremia


How Does Immunotherapy Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease

With medicine technology development, Immunotherapy has gained great achievement on treating Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Polycystic Kidney is a kind of genetic disease, following the regulation of autosomal dominant inheritance. Both male and female have equal incidence. In the early stage, when cysts are still small, seldom obvious symptoms can be found. But with cysts growing and increasing, they will compress surrounding healthy tissue greatly. Then symptoms appear. Waist pain usually happens firstly, and Haematuria or Nephropyelitis may appear occasionally. But most patients usually neglect these symptoms because these symptoms are usually not serious. When cysts replace more and more renal tissue and pressure become larger and larger, End Stage Renal Failure happens.

Immunotherapy are transfused into patients' body through vein. After Immunotherapy entering into kidney lesions, they can differentiate into necessary cells that tissues need and repair injured renal inherent cells. Basically, Immunotherapy treat Polycystic Kidney Disease starting with shrinking cysts in order to reduce pressure on surrounding tissue and recover injured tissue function, trying to get maximum effect with minimum damage. Eliminating or controlling cysts in early stage can prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease developing into Renal Insufficiency and Renal Failure, or even Uremia greatly.

Besides, by applying Immunotherapy to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease, after healing, this disease seldom relapses. What's more, Immunotherapy has no side effect. So it brings no damage to patients' body. Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should take active treatment before renal function decline with principle of early finding and early treatment.

Five Elements in Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine, the concept of Five Elements refers to the activity of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It is used to explain the abstract concept of relationship among things or events, with wide connotation. These five elements do not refer to these five specific elements themselves.

Wood: elements that have the function or nature of growing, ascending and dredging or easiness belong to wood element.

Fire: everything that has the function or nature of heat or rising belong to fire element.

Earth: elements with the function of bearing, nursing and receiving belong to earth element.

Metal: elements with function of clearing, descent, or gathering belong to metal element.

Water: elements with the characteristics of cold and cool, moistening and moving downward are water elements.

The theory of five elements explains the mutual relation among objects by applying the concept of mutually reinforce and restrict each other. This theory considers that nothing is isolated and still. Instead, they maintain a balance in movement of reinforcement and restriction.

In Chinese Medicine, based on different characteristic s of these five elements, this theory is mainly used to analyze the nature of five elements and mutual relation of organic Zang-Fu (internal organs), channels and physical function.
Besides, it is used to explain the mutual influence of Zang-Fu, channels and physical function under the pathological condition.


Cautions for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients

What should Polycystic Kidney Disease patients pay attention to? According to general regulation of PKD development, Polycystic Kidney Disease usually happens when patients are 30 to 50 years old. However, the developing speed also has some relationship with individual body condition and daily life style. So what should patients pay attention to in the process of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?

Firstly, PKD patients should prevent cold actively. If patients catch a cold, especially repeated cold, more serious immune damage to renal injury of Polycystic Kidney Disease can be caused, which can worsen illness condition further. Though Micro-Chinese Medicine can improve patients’ immunity, if patients do not care seriously, immune damage caused by repeated cold will limit active substances of Micro-Chinese Medicine to play their function.

Secondly, patients should avoid tiredness, which includes physical tiredness and brain tiredness. Brain tiredness can affect the though and command function of brain. For example, if central command system is out of order, functions of each internal organ can be influenced greatly, causing inconsonance of each organ, which can lead to other diseases and worsen illness condition. As for physical tiredness, more metabolic toxin will be produced after physical activity, but injured kidney can not excrete these toxins out of body, which worsens renal function injury.

Thirdly, patient should prevent trauma. With cysts growing, cyst internal pressure increases at the same time, which enlarges patients’ bilateral kidneys and increase abdomen internal pressure. Any external pressure on abdomen may have the possibility to cause cyst rupture and bleeding, inducing infection. So patients should pay enough attention on preventing trauma in order to protect their kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is suggested to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease. This treatment can reduce cyst fluid secretion, decrease pressure on glomerulus, renal tubule and kidney blood vessel. Besides, this treatment can also improve renal blood circulation and relieve the condition of local kidney anoxia, proving a favorable environment for injured renal inherent cells to recover. It has been proved that this treatment has a good clinical effect on treating Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Causes of Urinary Occult Blood

Urinary occult blood is just a title which means latent bleeding in urine tested out by routine urine test. During routine urine test, there is an item of Red Blood Cells. If the number of Red Blood Cells increases, even tiny number can be called urinary occult blood.

Urinary occult blood test showing positive result can only means that there are Red Blood Cells in urine. These Red Blood Cells are not real complete Red Blood Cells with form through microscopic. Instead, these are composition of Red Blood Cell tested out by computer. Normally, Red Blood Cells of body are broken down continuously and their compositions are excreted out of body with urine. Therefore, even healthy person may get a positive result in a test. Generally, through high magnification, 0 to 1 Red Blood Cell is normal. When Red Blood Cells are more than 3/Hp under microscope, it can be diagnosed as Haematuria.

Urinary occult blood and Haematuria: positive urinary occult blood result just means Red Blood Cell in urine tested out by examination, but not gross Haematuria. Haematuria can be divided into gross Haematuria, total Haematuria and positive urinary occult blood.

Normally, urinary occult blood is caused the following three reasons: inflammation, stones and tumor. As for inflammation, besides Haematuria, patients suffering from Glomerulonephritis, nephropyelitis and cystitis and so on can also be tested out urinary occult blood through urine test. As for stones, no matter what place stone stay, kidney, ureter or urinary bladder, urinary occult blood may happen. Other conditions like menstrual period or constipation can also cause urinary occult blood. The last one, tumor, like benign or malignant tumor of kidney, urinary bladder or ureter, can cause urinary occult blood.


Attach Importance to Damage of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease means that countless cysts in various sizes grow in the surface of kidneys, isolated with renal pelvis. Cysts are growing with age. For this reason, renal function declines with growing cysts.

Clinically, autosomal dominant inheritance is common among Polycystic Kidney Disease cases, with main feature of abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells. When epithelial cells of renal tubule have a phenotype change, turning into cyst epithelial cells, they get secretion function, which can increase cyst fluid secretion. But there is no normal way to excrete these fluids. With aging, a large amount of cyst fluid deposit in body, enlarging cyst size as well as increasing cyst internal pressure and cystic surface tensility. At this moment, some sensitive patients may feel discomfort on waist. When there is a local infection, patients get a painful feeling. With cysts growing bigger, healthy renal structure will be replaced by cysts, causing renal function decline. Meanwhile, High Blood Pressure, abnormality in routine urine test and renal function tests appear as clinical symptoms.

As for patients suffering from early stage Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), operations can be considered to remove larger cysts in order to reduce damage to kidneys. However, operation can not treat these cysts completely. Instead, this disease is easy to relapse after operation. According to this problem, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy was developed by China Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. This treatment can treat Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) starting with inhibiting cysts growing, which means eliminating activity of cystic epithelial cells and making these cells lose secreting activity. Once cyst fluid stops being secreted, cysts can stay in present stage and keep present size. But cysts have already formed, so proper medicine should be taken to increase permeability of cystic surface blood circulation and reabsorb cyst fluid. Finally, these cysts can be excreted out of body with urine after metabolism. From the above, it can be obviously found that Micro-Chinese Medicine can treat Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) radically, and after healing, this disease seldom relapses.

Some patients go to hospital for treatment when their symptoms are worsened seriously. For this reason, their disease has developed into middle or late stage usually, or even cicatricial phase of Renal Fibrosis. at this moment, they always have bad treating effect and really expensive cost, which burdens their family and themselves heavily. So Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) should have a proper recognition on Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), accepting body check regularly with the purpose of early detection and early treatment.

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