
Can Season Affect PKD Illness Condition

In spring, everything has a new life, and this is a season favorable for Kidney Disease patients’ recovery. But there is too much wind in spring, which is easy to cause wind-pathogen. In hot summer, patients are easy to be injured by fire-pathogen. Besides, it is hot and wet in summer and heat or dampness can also damage human body. Autumn is really dry, so patients should care about dryness which can damage Yin of lung and kidney. Winter is cold, which can make Kidney Disease patients get Yang injury easily.

From clinical viewpoint, the hottest and coldest seasons are both unfavorable for patients’ illness condition. Hot weather is easy to cause various infections like urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal tract infection and upper respiratory tract infection and so on, all of which can speed up the development of PKD illness condition directly or indirectly. PKD patients, especially patients in third or fourth stage, usually have much lower immunity. They are easy to catch a cold, which can not only worsen PKD illness condition, but also affect blood pressure condition.

Specialists on Kidney Disease note that: as for PKD patients, the best treating timings are spring and autumn, which can reduce disadvantages existing in summer and winter.

Besides, infectious disease may occur in each season, so PKD patients should pay more attention in order to prevent infections and colds and so on. This can decrease the chance of damaging kidney.

The key of treating PKD is to block Renal Fibrosis, repair injured renal inherent cells and protect remained renal function. Micro-Chinese Medicine is suggested to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease. It has been improved by clinical practices that this treatment has a good effect on treating PKD and this treatment can treat PKD by blocking Renal Fibrosis, prolonging patients’ life greatly.

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