
Can Gluten, Dairy and Egg Free Diet Remove Protein in Urine

Nephrotic syndrome is a performance of serious kidney disease. In these cases, patients’ kidney tissues especially glomeruli have been damaged. Glomeruli are a ball of tiny blood vessels that can filter blood and discharge toxic substances. However, the membranes in many glomeruli are damaged, so some blood components can be leaked from the broken in membranes. Due to this protein leakage, many other symptoms are aroused, such as hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidaemia and severe swelling. Over time, it may develop into renal failure to threaten patients’ lives.

Can gluten, dairy and egg free diet remove protein in urine?

Gluten, dairy and eggs are very common foods in the daily diet and they will supply much protein for our body in order to rebuild tissues or organs or produce antibody to improve immunity. However, these foods also need to be metabolized, resulting in producing many wastes. These toxic substances are discharged from kidneys, so more protein foods would increase the burden of kidney and kidney tissues are easily damaged due to overwork.

Although this diet plan is helpful to remove protein in urine, it cannot repair the damaged kidney tissues. Thereby protein will be leaked out in urine again once they retrieve their normal diet. Some patients may be willing to keep this diet, but low protein diet may lead to weak immunity of patients. So patients would get worse kidney disease or other diseases.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is introduced to you. It is a natural herbs therapy and an external application, hence, no side effect presents in patients. Furthermore, it can provide nutrition and essential elements for kidney recovery. Once kidney is restored, patients can get a normal diet as the normal people. I hope this therapy can help you.

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