
Immunosuppressive Agents in Treatment of FSGS

FSGS (focal segmental glomerular sclerosis) is one of leading causes of kidney failure. In order to avoid more serious illness condition, patients need to take a suitable treatment. Most people are suggested to choose immunosuppressive agents. Are they effective in treatment of FSGS?

Immunosuppressive agents

From the name, you can know this drugs’ function that is to depress the immunoreaction. In patients with FSGS, they have a very bad immune system caused by some unhealthy habits, such as improper diet or irregular life. Their immunity cannot defend the body from attack of viruses, germs and other harm substances. And the immune complexes are produced by the combination of antibodies and the foreign invaders during the defending period. However, the immune complexes cannot be removed by the wrong immune system.

When they deposit in kidney tissues, immune complexes lead to a new immunoreaction and hurt kidney tissues. Immunosuppressive agents are used to block the occurrence of immunoreaction in kidneys. They also can keep the normal structure of kidney cells and render kidney tissues to tolerance the existence of immune complexes.

How to use immunosuppressive agents to treat FSGS?

However, immune complexes are not the domestic substances, so inflammation will flare again in order to clean them and hurt kidney tissues once the immunosuppressive agents are reduced or stopped. Only continuous usage of these drugs, kidney cells can be protected from the harm of inflammation. But long-term using immunosuppressive agents lead to very bad side effects, such as the damage in liver and marrow, sick, vomit, no appetite, baldness, blood in urine, infertility and so on.

In fact, there is a new treatment can remove all the side effect of immunosuppressive agents and also can treat FSGS from the root. When using these drugs to protect kidney cells, other treatments are needed to improve immunity and regulate immune system, such as Chinese herbs therapy and Immunotherapy. The combination of all these therapies is Immunotherapy which is a characteristic treatment in our hospital. Once the immune system is balanced, immune complexes can be removed by immune cells and renal inflammation can be blocked from the root. So FSGS can be treated fundamentally and people can lead a full life through this treatment.

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