
Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is mainly characterized with a large amount of protein leakage because of destroy in kidney tissues caused by furious renal inflammation. So people need to improve their own initial immune system to put off the inflammation in order to reduce the damage in kidneys. Chinese medicine can help people to regulate immune system to protect kidney tissues.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has a better effect

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special method to take Chinese medicine instead of oral administration. In this therapy, Chinese medicine is super-finely shattered by devices and is put into little bags. The medicine ingredients can be permeated into kidney lesions through skin with the help of devices and penetrating fluid. For it is an external application, people would get no hurt and side effect from Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Only after one or two weeks’ treatment, the excessive ECM and immune complexes which cause renal inflammation can be removed from kidney tissues. Patients can find some substances like floc in their urine. That proves the inflammation is blocked from the root. Furthermore, Chinese medicine can provide essential elements for the recovery of kidney tissues. So patients would not have protein leakage and get a better kidney function after a comprehensive therapeutic schedule for them.

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