PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is an inherited kidney disease, which
describes numerous of sacs rooting in kidneys. As no medical measure can change
genes totally by far, many doctors can not do nothing but remedy symptoms and
keep patients waiting for following dialysis or kidney transplant.
In fact, it is just the routine treatment for PKD patients in western
countries. In China, there is a way to delay or stop the process of dialysis and
kidney transplant. Chinese Herbal Medicine can achieve this goal naturally.
Chinese herbal medicine can stop the growth of fluid filled sacs. Effective
Chinese medicine ingredients can permeate into kidney lesion by external
application on waist area. These ingredients restrict and stop the cysts cells
secreting cyst fluids and thereby renal cysts will stop growing.
Meantime, Chinese herbal medicine will improve blood circulation and increase
the permeability of cyst wall so that existing cyst fluids will be forced to
blood. Eventually, cyst-fluid, will be excreted out of body through blood
circulation and urinary system, together with other metabolic products. Renal
cysts can not be eliminated in a short time, but it can be removed naturally and
gradually by Chinese Herbal Medicine.
There are many kinds of herbs work on dilating blood vessels, increasing
permeability of cyst wall and restrict the secretion of cyst fluids. After a
series of processing steps, the medicine effects can be taken directly and
effectively through hot compress. In this way, small renal cyst will stop to
grow and the larger ones will begin to shrink. So the way that Chinese Medicine
to treat PKD is not to cut off renal cysts, but to drain cyst fluids and shrink
cysts naturally.
Once renal cysts shrink, its pressure to kidneys will be relieved, therefore,
kidneys won’t be damaged further. Some other herbs help repair impaired kidneys
which usually be added in prescriptions of PKD. By this way, damaged renal
lesions can get remedy from these medicines and improve its renal functions. As
a result, the relative symptoms, such as blood in urine, hypertension will get a
remission spontaneously.
This is the major functions of Chinese herbal medicine to remove PKD
naturally. Chinese medicine also contains other forms of medical measures, such
as acupuncture, massage, sparadrap and medicated bath etc. If you want to know
more information about Chinese medicine treating PKD, you can mail to
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