
Is Foamy Urine An Indicator of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

Urine output is an important indicator of kidney health. The color and smell of urine usually help kidney disease doctors diagnosing renal disorder. Normal urine is clear or pale yellow and has no smell. But what causes Foamy Urine? Does it mean that something wrong happens to kidneys and he or she could be suffering from PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)?

Urinating foamy urine now and then is normal, because forceful urination and the speed of urination, as well as many other factors lead to foamy urine. However, if you have bubbles in urine persistently or foamy urine becomes noticeable over time, you need to talk with your doctors. Long term foamy urine can indicate the lose of protein in urine. Increased amount of protein in urine may result from serious renal disorder.

However, foamy urine can be a sign of PKD?

PKD is genetic renal disorder. PKD, once diagnosed, will oppress kidney tissues and lead to serious renal injury, if your doctors can not restrict the enlargement of renal cyst and shrink the large renal cysts. Therefore, PKD will present a series of symptoms, including foamy urine.

In clinic, it is necessary that the foamy urine is a sign of PKD. In other words, this type of urine tends to increase the possibility that a person is diagnosed with PKD. Bubbles in urine may result from PKD, but it is not necessary to conclude that a person suffers from PKD just because of urine foam.

However, foamy urine elevates the chance to PKD, if your family members have such a disease. For the reason that PKD is a faulty genetic renal disease.

If your family members have no history of PKD, the following factors may explain your presence of urine foam.

Rapid Urination.


Urinary Tract Infection.

Vesicocolic Fistula.

Presence of Semen.


Foamy urine can be associated with many diseases, not just PKD. If you need the final cause of your foamy urine, you can take urine routine test. Your doctors will tell you whether you are suffering from PKD or other diseases related to urine foam. Or you can have a talk with our experienced medical staff, they will help you after you describe your urine color, smell and urine volume etc. Contact Mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

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