
How to Know If I Have PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

Many PKD patients get to know they have PKD when they are doing physical examination. To know the early signs and symptoms of PKD in time can be very helpful for the illness condition. Then, how to know if I have PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)? What are the early symptoms of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)?

Clinically, the onset of PKD symptoms is around 50 years old. The common manifestations are:

1. Flank pain: most patients begin to have backache, which can be persistent or paroxysmal. The condition can be severer after work.

2. Hematuria (blood in urine): 25%-50% patients with PKD will present hematuria, which can be periodic. Most cases will be gross hematuria, which can be accompanied with blood clot caused by cysts infection.

3. Mass in abdomen: patients can feel mass in abdomen, which can be various in sizes.

4. High blood pressure: high blood pressure is usually the primary symptom of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). About 60% patients will suffer from high blood pressure, faint, headache before the kidney function declines.

5. Infections: about 40% patients will have infections in cysts or renal parenchyma. The infection can be presented as high fever, chili and backache etc.

6. Other organs can be infected: 20-50% patients have Polycystic Liver and 10% have Polycystic Spleen.

More than that, Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hereditary disease and the family history should be an important reference for you. If there a member of you in your family has PKD, your whole family members should go and have a complete check. Polycystic Kidney Disease can be identified through CT, MRI and other imaging studies. Hope patients with PKD can be identified earlier and receive treatment earlier. If timely and proper treatment is received, the illness condition can be controlled well.

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