
What should Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease Pay Attention to in Diet

With life quality improving, various eating habits can affect the illness condition of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease).

I. Eating without control. Eating too little leads to inanition while eating too much easily damages gastric digestion and absorption function.

II. Eating with impurity. To slight degree, it can easily induce gastrointestinal disorders. To severe degree, it can lead to poisoning and even threaten life.

III. Eating with bias. Taking more cold food can easily damage spleen and stomach; Taking more hot food can induce heat deposition; Taking more food of any one flavor causes damage to internal organs.

Obviously, any eating habits above have a damaging effect on health, which also influences the condition of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Then what should patients pay attention to in diet? There are some suggestions from three aspects:

The food which patients should take:

1. Taking more water: with the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease, kidney’s concentrating ability is reduced, so more water is needed to excrete metabolin out of human body. Therefore, without obvious Dropsy, DHF, Hypertension, patients can’t limit water blindly.

2. Taking more high-quality protein food: timely replenish high-fiber, high-vitamin or low-fat food; take proper sugar diet; without dietary bias; take more corn grains, fresh vegetables and fruits.

3. More alkaline food can be taken, which is helpful in treatment.

The food which patients should not take:

1. Liquor. Wine, especially white spirit should be avoided for patients with Renal Cysts Disease, because it can stimulate kidney fiercely and irritate cyst’s protein active, thus increasing the growth of cyst.

2. Fermented food. It mainly refers to fermented food which comes from bacterium, such as fermented bean curd, marinated eggs, because they can speed up cyst growing.

3. Splanchnic food. As the old saying goes, we are what we eat. But it is not scientific for patients with Renal Cysts Disease. When animals are killed, lots of toxins will stay in their internal organs, especially liver and kidney. Once taken by patients, they will aggravate Kidney Disease definitely.

4. Spicy or stimulating food, such as hot pepper; Alcohol and Tobacco; stimulating food, such as chocolate, coffee, sea-fish, shrimp, crab; salty food, especially pickled food; contaminated food, such as unhealthy food, rotten food, leftovers; broiled food.

In a summary, besides a proper diet, patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) should accept scientific treatments. Only in this way, can they achieve the best effect. If you want to know more, please consult the online experts.

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