
Is There Any Way to Get Rid of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited kidney disease which progresses slowly. Ultimately, PKD can lead to Kidney Failure. Then, is there any way to get rid of PKD? Actually, PKD is irrevocable but it can be controlled well if prompt and proper treatment is adopted.

Find a safe and natural therapy

The kidneys of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients are filled with cysts in numerous cysts, whose functions have been greatly reduced. That is to say, patients can not receive a treatment that will do trauma on the kidneys. So, surgeries are not the best options to treat PKD although they can get the symptoms alleviated temporarily. In China, we use traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to shrink the cysts, which is safe and natural.

Have a proper diet

It is crucial for PKD patients to have a proper diet. Generally speaking, the control of salt intake is suitable to every kidney disease patients. What is more, enough alkaline food consumption is necessary for PKD patients, which can balance the acid-base. The alkaline food can be apple, pear, wax gourd, tomato, pumpkin and eggplant etc.

Have a proper lifestyle

Patients with PKD should take adequate and proper exercise, which can be good to your blood circulation. However, fierce exercises should be avoided, which can be a risk factor of kidney rupture.

Have routine check

You should go and see a doctor regularly. He will order a series of check like blood test, urine test and kidney function to know the progress of your illness condition.

If you and a loved one of yours is suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease, hope what the above can be helpful. If you need other information, please click our online service to know more.

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