
Daily Care for Patients with Cysts on Kidneys

Many people are diagnosed with Cysts on Kidneys, which is terrible. Some of them have taken treatment, but the disease occurs again and small cysts grow up. It has great relations with daily care. If patients don’t pay much attention to daily care, the disease will recover easily. What are the special daily cares that patients with cysts on kidneys should pay attention to?

1. Prevent colds
Cold is the main factor to result in kidney damage for patients with kidney disease. It shows in clinic that condition of patients with Chronic Nephritis will be aggravated if they catch a cold. And Acute Nephritis occurs after 10 to 14 days of catching cold with symptoms of swelling, hematuria. Some patients are found to have kidney disease after catching a cold.
Some patients have low immune function, so when they catch a cold, they won’t have the obvious symptoms, such as fever and headache. They are just afraid of wind and cold and throat itching appears, which will not be paid much attention to. Actually, these symptoms do much harm to kidneys. Experts suggest that patients with kidney disease should prevent cold. If swelling and hematuria occur after catching a cold, they should see doctors immediately. Some patients with Uremia and Diabetes should pay more attention to cold in daily life.

2. Diet control
Besides cold, another inducement of kidney disease is improper diet. Clinical statistics show that annual festivals are the peaks for chronic kidney disease.
Kidney disease can be aggravated in winter because of more protein intake. At first, poor appetite may appear after eating and drinking. Many patients think that there is something wrong in digestive system and they go to digestion department. Actually, anemia, high blood pressure, swelling and backache are the precursors of kidney disease. When patients are drinking and eating, they should pay much attention to their health. They should eat less food with high protein and high fat, especially for patients whose kidney function is poor.

3. Take exercise
Patients with kidney disease don’t like to exercise because of cold. They like to stay at warm house and even stay in bed. Experts say that it is wrong and dangerous for patients doing this, which will slow down blood flow and aggravate kidney sclerosis and shrink. Patients should take reasonable exercise. On one hand, it can enhance resistance and prevent cold. On the other hand, it can enhance kidney blood flow, help to repair kidney damage and prevent kidney sclerosis.
Hope what mentioned above is helpful. We hope you can take care of yourself in daily life. China hospital has specific treatment, that is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. If you want to know more about cysts on kidneys, especially the treatment.

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