
Symptoms of Renal Cyst

Renal Cyst is a common kidney disease. Many patients think that renal cyst is tumor. In fact, although they have many similarities, they belong to two different diseases. So the experts remind all patients that they should diagnose their disease seriously.

The following article lists the main symptoms of Renal Cyst. It will be helpful for patient to diagnose their disease.

In the early time, the patients with Renal Cyst do not have symptoms. Some patients begin to have the following symptoms due to cyst enlargement, increased intravascular pressure, infection and so on.

1. Back pain

Some patients have back pain.The reason is that the enlarged kidney makes renal capsule tension to increase. As a result, the renal pedicles are pulled by the cysts .Another reason is that the adjacent organs are pressed by the cysts. Moreover, as the renal cysts grow, the fluid in the cysts will increase persistently. Therefore, the kidney becomes heavy thus dropping.

2. Hematuria

It includes microscopic and gross hematuria. The hematuria appears cyclically. When the hematuria appears, the patients will fell more painful. Moreover, daily factors such as strenuous exercise, wound and infection also can aggravate it. The reason of the haemorrhage is that there are many arteries under the cyst wall. Due to oppression to cyst wall, the cysts will burst thus causing bleeding.

3. The lump in abdomen

Sometimes the lump in abdomen is the main reason for patients go for treatment. The lump in abdomen is caused by the enlarged cysts.

4. Proteinuria

Usually, the protein in the urine is less than 2 grams per day.

5. Hypertension

The cysts press the kidney thus causing renal ischemia and anoxia. As a result, kidney will secrete more renin thus causing hypertension.

6 Declined renal function

The enlarged cysts cause much oppression to the kidney so the normal renal tissues reduce thus the renal function decreasing.

If the patients have the above symptoms, they should go to see a doctor at once so as to stop the further damage to their renal function and prevent the disease from developing into Renal Failure.

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