
Diet Plays a Crucial Role in Managing FSGS kidney disease

For most patients, FSGS kidney disease will spend 5-20 years to develop into Renal Failure. But for patients with serious illness condition, this period only need 2-3 years. Steroid or other immunosuppressive medicines can eliminate the proteinuria, and improve the renal function in a certain degree.Although, Diet Plays a Crucial Role in Managing FSGSAlthough a proper diet can not cure FSGS, it actually plays a crucial role in managing the disease. Therefore, all the patients should keep a tract of what they eat for some foods may trigger a relapse of FSGS.

①The patients with FSGS kidney disease should limit the intake of junk/tinned/fried foods because these foods contain much more of oil, spices and salt. If there is too much sodium in body, it will cause or aggravate retention of fluid and sodium thus leading to weight gain and swelling. What’s worse, the fluid can get infiltrated into lung thus making it difficult to breath.

② Some patients with FSGS may keep a misunderstanding on the protein consumption. As they loss a mass of protein in urine every day so they should increase the daily protein intake, they think they should increase the protein intake. Actually, high amount of proteins can produce more metabolic products which can put much strain on kidneys. Therefore, the patients with FSGS should reduce daily protein consumption to 0.6 grams/kg body weight. As the salt concentration of fast foods is as high as sea water, the patients should remove them from their diet completely.

③ If the potassium level is too high in blood, it will affect the cardiac muscle thus triggering irregular heart beat and even heart failure. Therefore, it is very essential for the patients with FSGS to avid the high-potassium foods. The common foods high in potassium are as follows: dates, beans, seeds, nuts, dried apricots, dried prunes and raisins, coca powder and chocolate, red chili powder and avocados.

The above are the main dietary principles for patients with FSGS kidney disease. The patients should always keep a kidney friendly diet not only while on treatment for relapse, but also when they are on complete remission. If so, they will be able to reduce the relapse of FSGS.

However, for different disease conditions, there is slight difference on their diets. If you want to get some personalized suggestions, you can consult us on line.

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