
What is a Parapelvic Kidney Cyst

Parapelvic Cyst, also known as renal sinus cyst, is a kind of cysts that is uncommonly seen in clinical practice. So many people may have not heard about this group of cysts. So next I will give some detailed introduction about Parapelvic Cysts.

A parapelvic kidney cyst gets its name for its certain locations. Mainly, parapelvic mainly locate in two renal areas.

The renal pelvis. Renal pelvis is an area inside the kidney that is shaped like a human pelvic bone. It acts as a funnel to drain urine from the kidneys into the ureter and out of the body. Renal pelvis cyst may block this funnel and cause a series of renal problems.

The renal sinus. Pelvis cyst also can occur in renal sinus where the renal pelvis can be found. Renal sinus also holds other parts of kidneys as well as blood vessels and fat cells. Once renal cysts locate in here, kidney dysfunction can occur.

Special suggestions

Parapelvic cyst is filled with watery fluid. It is the continuous fluid supplement that makes parapelvic cyst become larger and larger. Therefore, foods that can prompt the reabsorption of sac fluid or inhibit its supplement are good for people with parapelvic cyst.

Dandelion, celery, nettle leaf, watermelon and some other foods can be used as diuretic so as to eliminate more waste products and water from the body. Also, some foods such as berries, cabbage and red bell pepper, which are able to improve kidney function, are also good choice for these patients. (If you don’t have such a food list, you can consult the online doctor. )


A proper diet plan can assist the whole treatment, while an incorrect diet may destroy the whole treatment. Therefore, always make sure you are eating healthily, if you have parapelvic cyst in kidney.

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