
Routine and Featured Therapies for IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease or IGAN, is an autoimmune kidney disease, and thus, Immunotherapy is the right choice. The disease is caused by a protein called IgA lodges in one’s filtering units of the kidneys--glomeruli. Consequently, deposited the immune complexes impair glomeruli and affect the kidney function progressively. More and more toxins and wastes buildup in human body results in the persistent damaged kidney function as time goes by. Half of the IgA Nephropathy patients will lead to End-stage Renal Failure when the illness becomes serious.

The routine therapy for treating IgA Nephropathy is immunosuppressive agent. The immunosuppressant includes cellular immune inhibitors, humoral immune inhibitors and others. Those medications have strong immune inhibition, sometimes, they work. But those drugs or treatments fail to function from time to time. Besides, they have many side-effects too.

How does Immunotherapy to treat IgA Nephropathy?

IgA Nephropathy is attributable to immune dysfunction. For abnormal activation of immune system, the immune system impairs the healthy renal tissues and cells.

In treating IgA Nephropathy, after the Immunotherapy are infused into the patients'body, they can differentiate into new cells to form healthy renal tissues. In this way, the kidney structure will be rebuilt. Moreover, Immunotherapy can stimulate the body to produce normal immune cells to rebuild the patients'immune system. Therefore, the patients will be able to avoid relapses of IgA Nephropathy completely.

Immunotherapy does not cause anti-rejection problem or side effects at all. Usually, it takes 6 months for the Immunotherapy to take effect in body. Since Immunotherapy is applied in treating Kidney Disease, approximately 85% of the patients have received successful treatment.

If you want to know the recovery experience of the patients in our hospital or want to know relevant information about Immunotherapy, it is free for you to consult us on line.

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