
12% kidney function Alternative to dialysis or kidney transplant

The dialysis or renal transplantation is the standard treatment for people whose kidneys are functioning at 12%. Thanks to advances in modern medical technology, alternative treatment options has developed what is known as therapy blood contamination. For personal advice, please contact our kidney doctor online now!
When kidney function in 12%, toxic substances accumulate in the blood, resulting in a condition known as uremia. Patients may have both physical and emotional changes. If left untreated, this situation is life threatening.

As an alternative to dialysis or kidney transplantation, blood Therapy Pollution is a systematic and natural treatment that can treat kidney function by 12% effective. The whole process of treatment may include three parts as below.

1. Remove blood stasis.

According to the specific diagnosis of the patient, comprehensive techniques blood purification, such as hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption, etc. are used to remove small, medium and large-molecular toxins.

2. In addition to cleaning the blood of TCM remedies.

Treatments of traditional Chinese medicine and enema therapy cycle therapy full bath, foot bath, Chinese medicine of the herb, etc can be chosen to clarify all toxic substances and provide a favorable internal environment.

3. Repair of damaged kidneys and promote renal function.

Merged cells Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem are taken to help protect the residual renal capacity and maximally increase overall renal function. While kidney function can rise to 15% or even above, dialysis or a kidney transplant can be avoided successfully.

As the latest development of the treatment of kidney disease, blood contamination Therapy is now becoming more and more popular among patients worldwide. If your kidneys are working at 12%, you are advised to consider getting this holistic therapy. Still have all clear? Leave your questions in the following message board or e-mail kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

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